Ghataka tithi
Ghataka means to slay or to kill in order to harm a person physically. Tithi is one of the limb of Panchanga and when the tithi of a person born and the person is marryying a female and the tithi in which the boy is born is Ghataka to the girl then it is imperitive that the native will face issues after the marriage. Tithi is a Jala tattwa graha and here the water is the main source of emotions,love and effection.
Let us see the table and understand how it works in a chart:

In this table we find there is a Janma rasi coloumn where all the rasis are named and we have also a Tithi coloumn where the tithi is categorized based on the birth of the native.
For example let us say a native(boy) is born in Krishna Paksha(Darker half of the Moon) chaturdasi(14th day) and also the native Moon sign being Mithuna rasi then we find that against the Janma rasi coloumn we look up to Gemini and corresponding Ttithi coloumn and row we find that Ghatka tithi for the native is Badhra. In the 2nd table we find that Bhadra is associate with Dvitiya,Saptami,Dwadasi in bright and darker part of the Moon. This means that the native should avoid the kundali of the girls who are born in the tithis mentioned above.