Now a days business in the Gemstones has increased multifold and the people who are prescribing the gemstones are not aware of its effects. Gemstones has to be prescribed using some basic Jyotish knowledge which will help the wearer in the long run. In this article I will try to give some basic information as to which gem stones is suitable for every lagna.
First let us understand different gemstones and their use
Ruby which is red in color and it is symbolic of courage and life force and passion. Ruby is also called as Manik in Hindi. The planet associated with Ruby is Sun and this stone has to be worn in Right Hand Ring finger. It can be worn during Sunday or during Sun Hora.
Pearl is white in color and the planet associated is Moon. Moon denotes emotions and water. The gemstone Pearl is used to enhance the qualities of healing and Nurturing.The finger to be used for this stone is Little finger or the Ring Finger
Coral is also Red in color(dark red) and the planet associated is Mars. Mars is the planet of courage and being aggressive. In Hindi it is referred as Moonga and this stone is available in various shapes and from different mines across the world.The finger to be used to wear this stone should Middle finger or Ring Finger. The native should wear this stone during the period of Mars Hora or Tuesday...
Emerald is Green in color and the planet associated is Mercury. Mercury is the planet associated with numbers and business...The finger associated to wear this stone is Middle or Ring Finger. The people who are married should not wear this stone as it hot in nature and will curb the birth of the children.
Yellow sapphire is Yellow in color and the planet associated is Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and Intelligence and also it is the planet of finances and this has got the power to enhance the finances for a native...The time at which the stone has to be worn is on Thursday or during the Hora of Jupiter..The stone has to be worn in the Ring finger and never to be worn on the Index finger until and unless the native wants to become a Politician or would like to hold a powerful position.
Diamond is white in color and we also find pink diamond which is used by women most of the time..Friday is the day during which the stone is worn. The finger associated is Ringer finger. People who have married and have no children should not use this stone.The purpose of this stone is for Initiation and clarity.Diamond is recommended by astrologer for those who are suffering Cancer.The planet associated with this gemstone is Venus
Blue sapphire is Blue in color and the planet associated is Saturn. Saturn is the planet of karma,honesty and being Truthful..The ring on which this stone should be worn is Middle finger or Little finger...The day on which the stone can be worn is Saturday or the hora of Shani
Hessonite Garnet stone is that stone which is used for Rahu. As Rahu is not a planet it usually give the qualities of Saturn. The color of this stone is usually a Dark Yellow color and it is called as Gomed in Hindi.This stone is connected with Rahu hence malefic energies are associated with this stone..The finger used for this stone is Middle or 4th finger.
When buying a stone the following should be considered:
No cracks in the stone
Stone should not be dull
Spots or depressions should not be there
It is very necessary that the stones should be analyzed by a certified gemologist to ensure that the stone used is good for the native.
.to be continued.......
