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Future of RaGa Post elections 2019

Below is the birth of Rahul Gandhi and we will see his future post elections 2019. We all are aware that he has lost the battle with less numbers seats in his kitty.He is contemplating to resign from the post of President of the INC. Along with him few more Congress Ministers have insisted on their being relieved from various posts of INC.

The Present dasa of Rahul Gandhi is Rahu-Rahu-Rahu. Rahu is nicely placed in his own sign but in Trikona. Malefics cannot be placed in the Trikona sign. The only good that it is its own sign(Kumbha for Rahu).The antardasa is also of Rahu which is 3rd lord from natal Moon and from lagna it is 5th house. In the Navamsa chakra we find that Rahu is in Makara rasi and if we see the placement of Rahu from the natal rasi chakra we find that Rahu is in Vyayamsa(12th house) which is not a good placement leading to his loss in the elections of 2019 and also native contemplating to leave his post and giving way to others.

In the D-10 chart also we find that Rahu is placed in the 8th house(exalted) from his natal D-10 lagna. 8th is the house of temporary retirement whereas 12th is permanent retirement. Rahu is the 4th lord(office) and placement in the 8th house denotes vacating the office or moving away from office. Rahu is in the state of exaltation will also give us a clue that native is adamant in leaving the office.

Venus and Mercury are with Rahu and Venus is the lord of the 7th and 12th house and Mercury is the lord of the 8th and 12th house. If more planets relating to dusthanas are connected to the dasa lord then native tends to move away from the office or leave the office.

Gochara:In the present Gochara period we find that Rahu is in Naidhana tara which is not a good tara and in Loha Murthi...

Planet Tara Murthi House Under vedha from Causing vedha to

Sun Kshema (Well-being) Taamra - copper 6th (Good) Jupiter -

Moon Saadhana (Achievement) - 3rd (Good) - -

Mars Saadhana (Achievement) Swarna - golden 7th - -

Mercury Kshema (Well-being) Loha - iron 6th (Good) - -

Jupiter Parama Mitra (Good friend) Loha - iron 12th - Sun

Venus Sampat (Wealth) Loha - iron 5th (Good) - -

Saturn Sampat (Wealth) Swarna - golden 1st - -

Rahu Naidhana (Death) Loha - iron 7th - -

Ketu Sampat (Wealth) Loha - iron 1st - -

Rahu and Mercury in the sign of Gemini and aspecting his Natal Moon. Moon is conjoining Retro Saturn and Ketu. This is not a good combination as Moon is under severe stress from the malefic aspects.

Even in Navamsa point of view we have to see the transit of Saturn from Natal D-9 Moon and we find that Saturn is transiting the 8th house (Ashtama shani) from Moon placed in Aries, Navamsa denotes Bhagya(outcome of our karma) and Natal Rasi Moon denotes the circumstance which we face due to malefic transits

As of now the situation is not good for RaGa as he may tender his resignation and make way to new people. Let us see how it works out

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||

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