Finances(what work to do to earn money)
Usually we know that 2nd and 11th house are the house of finances, but we do know from where the finances are generating. Here 2nd house is fixed income while 11th house is the gains and desire.
As per Jyotish the sources of the income are seen from the 11th house from Arudha lagna(AL) as Lagna is we while Arudha lagna is the image we are going to carry in this present life and also it is a special lagna associated with materialistic benefits.
Any planet having dristi on the sign or atleast join the lord will help the native to identify what will be his source of income.
Planet which is not willing to give wealth will effect the finances of the native and can result in decrease of finance during its dasa period
Exalted and debilitated planets will give good amount of wealth while average wealth will be given by the planets in the friends sign and in their own sign
Just like we have enemies and friends the planets also have enemies and friends and depending on this we can say which planet and sign can give money to the native
Sun gets exalted in the sign of ARIES while gets debilitated in the sign of Libra and Sun is friendly to Jupiter
Moon gets exalted in the sign of TAURUS while gets debiliated in the sign of Scorpio and Moon is friendly to Mercury and Jupiter
Mars gets exalted in the sign of CAPRICORN while gets debiliated in the sign of Cancer and Mars is friendly to Mercury and Venus
Mercury gets exalted in the sign of VIRGO while gets debiliated in the sign of Pisces and Mercury is friendly to all planets except Sun
Jupiter gets exalted in the sign of Cancer and gets debiliated in the sign of Capricorn and Jupiter is friendly to all planets except Mars
Venus gets exalted in the sign of Pisces and gets debiliated in the sign of Virgo and Venus is friendly to all planets except Sun and Moon
Saturn gets exalted in the sign of Libra and gets debiliated in the sign of Aries and Saturn is friendly to Mercury,Jupiter and Venus
Rahu gets exalted in the sign of Gemini and gets debiliated in the sign of Saggitarius and Rahu is friendly to Venus,Saturn,Mercury,Jupiter
Ketu gets exalted in the sign of Saggitarius and gets debiliated in the sign of Gemini and Ketu is friendly to Sun and Moon
Example:Let us take an example and see how the native is getting money and whether the planets are willing to give money to the native in his or her life time.
Below chart arudha lagna is in Mesha rasi and this will tell us what work did the native do to earn money and here we find that Rahu is with AL and this gives a clue that native worked for MNC's and from Moon we find that Saturn is in the 10th house denoting some routine work in his career.
Saturn is the lord of the 11th house apart from Rahu hence Saturn will be the source of the natives income and we should know who are the friends of Saturn and
1_Saturn gets exalted in the sign of Libra and gets debiliated in the sign of Aries and Saturn is friendly to Mercury,Jupiter and Venus
So Mercury Jupiter and Venus will give money to the native and the signs of these grahas also help the native to earn money like Gemini,Virgo,Pisces,Saggitarius,Libra and Taurus.Hence we have to see whether any of the grahas placed in these signs are also friendly to Saturn.
In Gemini we have Sun.Moon and Mercury hence Mercury can give money to the native through all the activities associated with Mercury which is documentation,Communications and internet related activites
Venus is aspecting Kumbha rasi the 11th house from AL by 7th house dristi and Venus also gives money to the native and Venus denotes service
Note that Planets aspecting the 11th lord or with the lord of the 11th house either through rasi or graha dristi will help the native earn money.
Mars and Ketu are in the sign of Libra and native is earning money through properties by renting them and also we find that HL(money point) is with these planets also..
