Examples 10th House(Career)
In this article let us explore the 10th house which is the house of career and profession.
6th is service while the 7th is end of the service and entering into business as 2nd from 6th is the Maraca(end) hence when the dasa periods of the 7th operate then career will be under threat while the same happens when the 6th lord operates and the business will be slow and non profitable.

In this chart we find that the 10th lord is Moon and it is in state of debilitation(neecha) while the 10th house is having Mars and Rahu. There is a Parivartana between Moon and Mars hence the tattwa of these grahas are positive and negative which means Mars will give the result of Moon and Moon that of Mars.
The artha trikonas are 2,6,10 and we find that 2nd is having Moon and 6th is empty and 10th is with Rahu and Mars.
We also find that Saturn is aspecting the 10th house by graha dristi along with Mercury and Ketu..The VL(Varnada lagna) is placed in the sign of Cancer in the star of Punarvasu whose lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is placed in the 5th house with the badhakesa Sun.
11th from Varnada lagna is Taurus and Moon is aspecting this sign by graha dristi. In the Navamsa chakra we do not find the Moon placed in the trines to the Navamsa lagna but rather it is in the 6th house. Venus,Ketu are the only planets which are in trines to the D9 lagna.
From the maha dasa of Mars native is finding it difficult to get a stable job and now native is under Rahu Maha dasa and there is lot of ups and downs where the native is facing with respect to his career and profession.
Note that Rahu is placed in the 7th house of the dasamsa chakra hence the native is having a unstable career..
In the Narayana dasa we also find that native is under Aries Maha Narayana dasa which is 7th from the natal D-1 lagna...The lord is Mars and from this sign Aries the 10th house is Saturn and we find that many planets are aspecting this house making it heavily afflicted.
Since this time 2020 native is having issues with every work he takes up and the work is not getting sustained for a longer period of time..
The antar dasa is that of Saturn which is 4th from natal lagna hence the native when ever gets into a job native has return back to his home leaving the job. Saturn is Yoga karaka for the lagna Libra hence advised to start a work relating to Saturn like pipes,steel,bathroom accessories.