Entry chart for India Moon-Saturn
Here in this article we would understand what is the entry chart and how it is different from the regular chart and what is the time line and till when it will effective
If we see the regular rasi chakra and the dasa operating then note that the outcome will be operative and if we take the entry chart into account here we will see the Panchanga like Hora,Nakshtra and lagna into account to decide the outcome....This means that during the time when the entry chart is plotted some lagna will rise in any of the 12 signs and we interpret the chart as we interpret the normal rasi chakra but taking into account the Panchanga like Vara,Hora,Nakshatra,Tithi and lagna of the entry chart.
Here I am taking the chart of India and the antar dasa of Saturn operating from 03.12.2019 till 02.07.2021. Saturn is badhakesa for the Taurus lagna and he being the lord of the 9th house is placed in the 3rd house with host of planets like Venus,Sun,Moon and Mercury..Note that if badhakesa is associated with other planets then other planets in yuti with the badhakesa will get instigated by the badhakesa..In the sense that all other planets tends to work towards the goal of badhakesa...Badhakesa denotes obstacle of every kind.
Saturn is the lord of the makara rasi and A7(business partners,opposite people,partners) and A6(enemith,diseases) are also rising in the badhaka sign. This denotes that saturn controls all these arudhas as itis the dispositor of these arudhas.
We know that the lagna of China is Makara and now they the China government is seeing India as its enemy and try to create disturbances in the Indian continent and being with other planet they are instigating other countries to go against India....Among all the other planet Venus is holding 22 degree then followed by Saturn 20 degree then followed by Mercury 13 degree and finally Moon is in the 3 degree...
Planets friendly towards Saturn will also work for the Saturn and planets not in tune with Saturn will tend to reject the work of Saturn...Saturn is friendly with Venus and Mercury and inimical to Sun and Mars......
Let us see the entry chart of Saturn AD in the Maha dasa of Moon

In this entry chart of Saturn we find that the lagna rising is Vrischika with 10th lord Sun in lagna and here we also find that Jupiter is heavily afflicted by the presence of Saturn and aspect of Rahu and Mars. Jupiter is Jeeva karaka hence till July 2021 all forms of life will be under stress due to illness and also we find that Moon is also afflicted by aspect of Saturn and Rahu. Moon in the 4th house of Sukha but being under the malefic influence again the citizens of India will be under stress and lack happiness.. Mandi and Gulika are rising with Moon which is also not good as this combination denotes various health related issues and also medicines being administered to the citizens at large. Moon is badhakesa for the Vrischika lagna..
During this period of Saturn AD I am of the opinion that there is a major transformation with respect to the government and the citizens at large.. Government or the leader may bring in new reforms for the good or bad of the citizens.
Result of the placement of planets as per the entry chart of Saturn:
1)Impact on finances
2)Health related issues to the people
3)Some disturbances to the peace in the country
4)Country at large and the political leaders will be troubled. This can apply to political organizations also