In this article we will discuss about education.

Education is an important part of us as we need it to grow up the latter of life as without education it is difficult to get jobs in this modern world. The jobs I am referring is those related to corporate as the certificate is required to acquire the job in these corporates.
In order to understand this we have to understand D-24 varga chakra which is used to analyze the education.
Siddhamsa chakra or D-24 varga chakra is that through which we can analyze what education we have acquired to fulfill our dreams hence Siddhamsa is that varga chakra which is used to understand to know if someone has some kind of an accomplishment or perfection or has knowledge and skills to exhibit his perfection.
The 12th has a direction co-relation with respect to our studies as we acquire our education through our predecessors like father,grandfather,mother or grandmother and also the D-24 varga chakra is the higher harmonic of this chart in the plane of mental consciousness and indicates the learning process like our mother tongue or language or skills associated with our mother tongue.
Various house of the D-24 tells us about what education we are going through
4th is formal education which means that our mother is our first teacher and later on we continue to get into schools and continue learning there till we pass out of the 10th
6th is the secondary education where we complete our 10th and continue to learn till 12th
9th is the higher education where we complete our 12th and further continue to excel in our education till we complete our higher studies which does not include masters or doctorate.
2nd house represents the masters
7th house represents the doctorate
Karakas for education are:Moon,Mercury,Jupiter and Sun
Karyesa is the lord of the rasi chakra of the concerned bhava and this placement in the D-24 chart will tell us how fast the native get success in the areas signified by the divisional chart or varga chakra
Karya bhava is that focal point of the varga chakra where we see the overall strength of the lord of that bhava in order to understand whether the affairs signified by that bhava will flourish or not. Hence here 4th house is the karya bhava and if the bhava lord is well placed this denotes that the natives education will go well..
Just like the 4th house is very important along with the lord the lagna is also important along with lagna lord to understand how smooth the natives education will go..
In the Krishna Murthy Padathi we have to see the 4th Cuspal Sub lord and see what bhavas he is controlling:
For education if the planets are controlling 4,7,11 then good education, 3,8 shows break while 3 is irregular education(breaks and then continuing) and 8 is struggles and other of good education are :1,3,5,7,9 which is good education.
For example let us say:
A native 4th Sub lord is: Rahu and Rahu signifies the following bhavas the 7th(lord of the 7th house),9th house(by placement) and also Ketu(as he is placed in the ketu star). He also controls Mars as he is placed in the sign of Aries and Mars is with ketu as per the chart.
So here we can say that native education will be completed as Rahu the sub lord of the 4th house and Ketu is the star lord of Rahu and Ketu signifies the 4th house which is the primary education.
Let us see the higher education which is 9th house.
9th sub lord is Mercury and the star lord is Jupiter
Mercury is controlling 12,11,5,8,2,
Jupiter is controlling 8,12,6,7,5
Jupiter is placed in his sub lord and the star lord is Saturn. Native complete his higher education B.Com and could not go further as 8th is seen here obstacles but Saturn being the star lord native started learning Jyotish and continuing the subject matter and in the process of learning
As per the Vedic Jyotish we shall see the D24 chart and also the rasi chakra 4th,9th lords
The 4th lord of the rasi chakra is Mars and Ketu and Ketu and in the D-24 chart Mars is placed in the 3rd house of Upachaya and also the disruptor as 3rd is 12th from 4th in the sign of Leo and with Mandi. Native completed his primary education with lot of difficulties like health related issues as Mandi is with Mars which can denote fevers,surgeries,boils and other Agni related issues. Note that Mars in the rasi chakra is also the lord of the 4th house(mother). Mother played a major role in the life of the native with respect to education and in the Amsa of Skanda in the D-24 chart. In this chart we find that Rahu is aspecting Mars and native studied in a convent school(run by nuns and Christian organizations)
Even though Jupiter has placed in the lagna and it is badhakesa the lagnesh is Mercury with nodes Rahu and Ketu ensured that the native faces hurdles in his higher education.. Note that Mercury is the primary karaka for education...
Arudha's of A4 and A5 are also important to understand as they are suited to initiate a activity. A4 initiates formal education while A5 initiates informal education, If the dasa or antar dasa lords are associated with these arudhas then it shows the initiations. In the rasi chakra A4 is with kanya which is Artha trikona hence native studies subjects related to finances where A5 is with Kumbha which is connected to informal education like Jyotish or such other occult activities and native met his guru over phone who lives in a foreign country and got initiated into Jyotish
Just like 3rd is disrupting the 4th house, same way 10th house disrupts 9th house which means native will complete his education(higher) and starts working.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||