Dhata Aditya
In the first article with respect to 12 adityas. Adityas are the sons of the dhiti and we also know that we are born with a physical existence which we call it is lagna. Hence lagna is nothing but the soul and the natural significator of soul is Sun(Aditya).
We also know that there are 12 signs from Mesha-Meena and there are 12 Aditya among the 33 devatas which are referred in the Hindu tradition.
Sage Parashara has stated that Sun is the king of the chart and he is the soul of the Kalapurusha. Hence Sun is very important in the chart of any native whether it is alive or not(when I say not alive I am referring to the countries, States and regions as these are termed as Jadatma).
The first Aditya associated with the natural zodiac which is Aries is referred as Dhata Aditya. The first sign being Aries is the head of the Kalapurusha hence the lagna is also has to be considered when we understand the Dhata Aditya.
Lagna clings to the soul hence it will also indicate the major impulse of the present incarnation of an individual...
Aditya's are demi gods whereas Daityas are demons and the reason is that Aditi is the mother of the Aditya's and Diti forcibly mated with Rsi Kashyap and Daityas where born.
We know that the day in which we are born the energy of the Sun flows into our body as Sun overlords the weekdays Sunday-Saturday.
Sun is the giver of all material comforts which are required for our sustenance.
Today we will discuss about DHATA ADITYA.
As it corresponds to the first house which is the seat of the creator Brahma and AUM was the first sound which was heard in the Universe the Dhata Aditya is the giver of health, intelligence and long life..
Sun gets exalted in the first house of Kalapurusha and the first house Aries(Mesa) is the head associated with Kalapurusha. Here the lagna is also connected depending on what sign is rising in the chart.
The person or entity which has Sun placed in the Mesa rasi and repreesenting Dhata aditya will establish dharma in the world and native through his speech will change the very existing systems of the world...Sun should not be with malefics or aspected by malefics otherwise Sun is very powerful in this house. Sun promotes capatalism as Sun represents governments where the ruler will rule the country or region.
The table below summarizes various adityas and the results when placed in each of the house
House No Sign Aditya Qualities
1AriesDhatrLeader, creative ability, knowledge, changes order
2TaurusAryamanNobleman, lineage, ancestors, marriage
3GeminiMitraFriend, enforcer of contracts, mental suffering
4CancerVarunaController of seas, wise, punishment, tireless worker
5LeoIndraKing, protects, vanquishes enemies, controller of senses, teacher
6VirgoVivasvanBright, effulgent, service, work ethic, spiritual upliftment
7LibraPusanGiver of cattle wealth, business, journeys, questions, trap
8ScorpioParjanyaTransforms, purifies, secret skills, Knowledge
9SagittariusAnshumanDispeller of darkness, equity, excellence, protects intellectuals
10CapricornBhagaProsperous, inheritance, karma yogi, unbending nature, industrious
11AquariusTvashtraCreative intelligence, skilful, diplomat, innovator
12PiscesVishnuProtector of the universe, gambler, deception, moksha
In order to judge the Aditya we have to see the Suns placement in the chart from lagna and also take into account the natural zodiac. Sun placement in the sign when seen from the lagna denotes the basic impulse of the native(bhava placement) and Suns placement in the natural zodiac irrespective of lagna is the actual manifestation of results.

In the chart of Sree Rama Chandra we find that Sun is placed in Mesha rasi and exalted along with Arudha lagna and Upapada lagna. Sun is also in the 10th house of profession and has digbala(directional strength) making it more powerful). Here Arudha represents the image and UL represents the marriage. Sun denotes light hence when Arudha lagna is attached with exalted Sun we can say that Sree Rama Chandra is the incarnation of lord Vishnu and when the UL and AL are also connected to the Sun and 10th house everything associated to 10th house will get triggered at the time of marriage of Rams Chandra and during the sign of Mesha.The Aditya associated is Dhata Aditya and Sree Rama chandra wanted to create a perfecct place for the people in the world to live...Sun denotes perfection and dharma..
Apart from placement we need to the aspects and also the star in which the Sun is placed. Here we find that Sun is aspected by retrograde Saturn and also the aspect of Mars on its own sign Mesha. Saturn will delay everything with respect to the throne as Sun is in the 10th house of throne(Indra) and also Mars aspect on the 10th house will also denote that Rama Chandra has to fight for his throne..(Note that if the dispositor of any planet aspects its own sign then such sign will become very strong and gives good results).We all know how Sree Rama chandra fought for his kingdom and how Mother Sita was abducted by Ravana and with the help of Hanuman how Sree Rama defeated Ravana..
Example 2:

This is the chart of famous Hollywood actor and we find here also that Sun is exalted and it is placed in the 10th house of Mesha rasi along with Jupiter and Saturn. A7 is rising with the rasi and A7 denotes relationships and physical attraction. It is understood that he received numerous awards for being the best actor and also here we find that the dispositor of Sun is Mars and it is with Venus the lord of relationships in the 11th house of friends and desires. Mars and Venus combination is a deadly combination for anger and violence against women and he had multiple relationships with women but he never married. His UL lord is Mercury and it in Meena rasi in the state of debilitation and also with Ketu the natural Moksha karaka. Hence marriage is denied.
Example 3:

This is the chart of Adolf Hitler where we find that Sun is exalted in Mesha sign but badly placed in the 8th from lagna...Hence the basic impulse is coming from Suns placement in the 8th which denotes Prajanya Aditya(transformation) but the soul is connected to Mesha which is Dhata Aditya(Power). Here we know that Hitler was the karaka for the 2nd world war and we also know that he hated Jews to such an extent that he killed Millions of Jews...Sun is with Mars, Mercury and retro Venus and aspected by Saturn with 10th house dristi and by Jupiter with 5th house dristi…Sun is placed in the star of Ashwini whose lord is Ketu and ketu is placed in the 4th house(4th is property) in exalted state along with Jupiter and Moon. Moon being the mind(mana) is heavily afflicted by Ketu who is the natural enemy of Moon. The rise of Adolf hitler was during the year March 1933 during which time his Rahu was operating and here we find that Rahu in the 10th house of power and authority...Sun is the natural AK but here we find that his Venus is chara AK and also retro denotes his desire for a war. Venus is in Bharani star the planet of death and transformation and also Venus is placed in the 4th pada which is a Moksha trikona...Rahu is placed in Pushkaramsa... Mars and Venus are very closely conjunction in 24 degrees where as Sun and Mercury are in 5 degrees apart...Hence here we know that Mercury is combusted by the presence of Sun very close and Mercury is his lagna lord. He complained about itching and most of the time he used to be in his bath tub in order to overcome the itching and use lots of medications to reduce the ill effects of this disease. Mercury is the skin and is burnt by Sun..