
The below tables gives a us a gist of the degrees and the diety associated with the Dasamsa chakra
One tenth of the sign measuring 3 degrees are counted from the sign itself for ODD signns and 9th house from EVEN signs
ODD sign dieties
All ODD signs numbers are like 1,3,5,7,9,11 then comes 2,4,6,8,10,12 then comes 3,,7,9,11,1 and so on
If we divide 30 degrees with 10 we get 3 degrees of arc hence every 3 degree is associated wth some diety for the ODD ad EVEN sign
3 Degree is associated with Indra who is the ruler of the Indra Loka and heads of all the devatas
6 Degrees is associated with Agni who is the fire god here fire is represented by Sun and Mars
9 Degrees is associated with Yama who is the god of death and follows all rules diligently and does not care for anything
12, Degrees is associated with Rakshasas who are demosn and do ot follow the principles of dharma
15, Degrees is associated with Varuna the god of sea
18. Degress is associated with Vayu the god of Air
21 Degrees is associsted with Kubera the god of wealth
24 Degrees is associsted with Isana the god of luck and baghya
27 Degrees is associsted with Bramha the god of creation or creativty
30 Degrees is associate with Anantha the god of the sky
In the EVE sign the dieties gets reversed and the startig 3 degrees of the D10 chakra starts with Anantha and goes uptill Indra,
These dieties are used in the dasa periods to understand which diety is blessing the native which will help the native to steer in his career or profession
Let us say the Rasi chakra 10th lord is placed in the amsa of say Indra in th D10 chart then native will reach heights in his career and hold powerful positios
Let us take the case of Adolt Hilter and in his chart we find that Moon is the 10th lord and placed in the Varuna amsa and we can see that he has conuered the sea and Saturn is placed in the 10th hoiuse of his rasi chakra and in the D10 chart we find that it is in Yama amsa. Yama denoates the god of death and dharma and he will not listen to anybody when it comes to performing his duties.
In the case of Miss world constestant Aishwarya rai we know that her 10th lord is Mercury in the amsa of Anatha and we know that she has reached heights in her profession and now a big star in the movies and in her rasi chakra two planets are placed in the 10th house which are Saturn and Ketu and here Saturn is in Nirrti amsa and Ketu is in Yama amsa
In my chart my 10th lord is Venus in Rasi chakra and Venus is in Agni amsa. Agni means fire and purity and I did all those jobs which are of administrative nature and tried not to commit any mistakes in m job..
How lucky are you in your profession can be seen by the planetary placement in the Navamsa chakra... Like for Instance my Venus is in Rakshamsa amsa and here it means that during my career I was very fighting for my rights like increments andpromotios.
I had lot of desires during this dasaa period of Venus . Rakshasa means you will go to any extent fo fulfill your desires While Deva is just the opposite of it and Manushya is the middling factor