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Dasa Variations and Marriage

In this article we will discuss as how these dasa variations to be used in marriage matching between two natives and look out for any signs of danger in both the charts

If you have not seen dasa variation article please follow the link below

Most of the astrologer in India consider only the Janma Vimshottari dasa and end up there which is wrong hence this article teaches us how to use various dasa

A summary of different dasa's:

Janma Vimshottari: Starts from Moon

Adhana Vimshottari: (Moon in 8th house)

Uttpana Vimshottari:Moon in 3rd or 11th house)

If the boy is any of the above dasa variants and if the girl is also in any of the dasa variants then prepare the chart based on this variants and then do the analysis

Let us take an example:

The first chart on the left is that of the BOY and the second chart is that of GIRL.

Here we find that Moon is in 11th house hence we need to take Uttpanna Vimshottari dasa variant and for the Girl we find that Moon in 8th house hence Adhana Vimshottari has to be considered

So the Dasa period of both these are as follows:

BOY got married in the year 1994 and the dasa was as follows:

Vimsottari Dasa:

Ven MD: 1981-02-14 - 2001-02-14

Jup AD: 1991-04-16 - 1993-12-17

Pratyantardasas in this AD:

Jup: 1991-04-16 - 1991-08-27

Sat: 1991-08-27 - 1992-01-26

Merc: 1992-01-26 - 1992-06-12

Ket: 1992-06-12 - 1992-08-10

Ven: 1992-08-10 - 1993-01-18

Sun: 1993-01-18 - 1993-03-06

Moon: 1993-03-06 - 1993-05-27

Mars: 1993-05-27 - 1993-07-24

Rah: 1993-07-24 - 1993-12-17

Here you find that in the chart of the boy Venus is lord of his UL which brings marriage and Jupiter is also placed in the 12th house which ensures that native gets married(Note that planets in the 12th are important as they decide whether the marriage is successful or not)

Girl dasa period:

Vimsottari Dasa:

Merc MD: 1979-05-11 - 1996-05-11

Sat AD: 1993-09-04 - 1996-05-11

Ket PD: 1994-06-24 - 1994-08-22

In the chart of the girl we find that Saturn is aspecting 7th house from itself and also it is aspecting Ketu the lord of the 7th house and Ketu the Pratyantara dasa is in the 11th house which is 5th from 7th(11th is desire for having children)

Sookshma-antardasas in this PD:

Ket: 1994-06-24 - 1994-06-27

Ven: 1994-06-27 - 1994-07-07

Sun: 1994-07-07 - 1994-07-10

Moon: 1994-07-10 - 1994-07-15

Mars: 1994-07-15 - 1994-07-18

Rah: 1994-07-18 - 1994-07-27

Jup: 1994-07-27 - 1994-08-04

Sat: 1994-08-04 - 1994-08-14

Merc: 1994-08-14 - 1994-08-22

If we see the dasa starting and ending periods of both the MALE AND FEMALE and also their respective antar dasa we find that at the time of marriage the Maha dasa of the BOY is from 1981-2001 and that of GIRL is from 1979-1996 hence the dasa are not ending within a year which denotes that marriage can be performed(NOTE THAT IF THE DASA PERIODS OF THE BOTH THE BOY AND GIRL ARE ENDING WITHIN A YEAR THEN BETTER NOT TO PERFORM THE MARRIAGE AS IT WILL END IN SOME DISASTERS)

The marriage was solemnized for these natives and the marriage lasted for 25 years and in the year 2021 Feb native lost his wife

The antar dasa of the boy was that of Mercury and here we find that the Mercury is the lagna lord of the GIRL and it is placed in the 12th house of exit and the same Mercury is placed in the 11th house of the BOY and it is retrograde and in the BHAVA CHALIT chart we find that Mercury is moving backwards to the 12th house again denoting losses in the antar dasa.

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