Dasa's and their applicability
In this article we will discuss about different dasa which are used in Jyotish and how to identify them and use them for correct analysis
Vimshottari Dasa: This is a universal dasa and 75% of the population this dasa is application and 25% of population different dasa has to be used. In this dark age the maximum longevity of any human being is 120 years hence this dasa is a natural choice for all the Jyotishi to use it for their analysis. This is the best of Nakshatra dasa and all the planets are considered. The star in which the Moon transits at the time of our birth and the sign in which the Moon transit is considered as Janma Nakshatra and the remaining planetary periods are calculated.
Ashtottari Dasa:This dasa is applicable in the following scenario
If Rahu occupies a Kenda or Trikona from the lagnesha(Lagna lord) this dasa is applicable and in the 2nd Scenario when the native is born at day time in Krishna Paksha or night time in Shukla paksha. The total period allocated to this dasa is 108 years
Shodashottari dasa:This dasa is applicable when a birth of the native takes place when Lagna is Moon in Krishna Paksha and Sun in lagna in Shukla Paksha.Vimshottari and Shodashottari is very similar to each other. The total period allocated to this dasa is 116 years while for Vimshottari it is 120 years.
Dwadasottari dasa:If the lagna is in Sukramsa then this dasa period is applicable.The total period allocated to this dasa is 112 years. When we say Sukramsa then we have to see that the lagna is placed in either in Taurus Navamsa or Libra Navamsa
Panchottari dasa:If the lagna is Cancer both in rasi and Dwadasamsa then this dasa is applicable.The total period allocated to this dasa is 105 years
Satabdika dasa:Sata means 100 hence if the lagna is placed in the same sign of the rasi and navamsa then this dasa is applicable. The total period allocated to this dasa is of 100 years.
Chaturasitikia dasa:Chatur means 4 Arsika means 8 hence the total period allocated to this dasa is 84 years and this is applicable when the 10th lord is in 10th house.
Dwisaptati Sama Dasa: Dwi means 2 and Saptatati means 7 and sama means same hence this dasa is applicable when lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord in lagna then using this dasa gives accurate results.The total years allocated to this dasa is 72 years.
Shasti Sama dasa:This dasa is applicable in those case where Sun is in lagna and the total period allocated is of 60 years(Shasti means 60)
Shattrimamsa Sama Dasa:This is applicable when the birth is in day time and Lagna is in Sun Hora or in the night time when Lagna is in Moon hora. Hora is 1/2 of 24 hours.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
