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D-16 chart

D-16 chart puts focus on the 4th house the house of our happiness and also our sorrow through conveyances and this Varga chakra is used to understand the luxuries we hold in this present life in the form of Vehicles..If we divide 30 degrees with 16 then we get 1:52:30 which equals to 1 Shodasamsa...

Counting of each shodasamsa is counted from Aries for Movable sign,Leo for fixed sign and Saggitarius for Dual sign..The counting is either forward or regular..This will cover the first 4 signs (aries,taurus,gemini and cancer) for movable sign which is 12+4=16...

Like other varga chakras who have devatas controlling the activities, even in D-16 there are devatas associated and the table given below depicts the same.

Amsa Odd sign Even Sign

1. Brahma Surya

2. Visnu Siva

3. Siva Visnu

4. Surya Brahma

5. Brahma Surya

6. Visnu Siva

7. Siva Visnu

8. Surya Brahma

9. Brahma Surya

10. Visnu Siva

11. Siva Visnu

12. Surya Brahma

13. Brahma Surya

14. Visnu Siva

15. Siva Visnu

16. Surya Brahma

Understanding the above devatas associated with the amsa will tell us as to how does the native approach the conveyance.

In every chart the lagna will give us a clue as to what is the attitude of the native with respect to the varga chakra

Brahma is a creator so any planet in this amsa native goes about buying new vehicles and disposes of the old

Visnu is the sustainer so any planet in this amsa native sticks to his vehicles and does not easily part with them

Siva is a destroyer so any planet in this amsa native finds faults in his vehicles and finds an excuse to disposes them of and again buy a new vehicle..

Surya is a planet which is resourceful and thinks about how to benefit others.Hence any planet in this amsa native things about parting his vehicle for the benefit of others.

The karaka for being happy(sukha) is associate with Jupiter and the actual karaka for vehicle is Venus. Hence these are very important to be checked in the varga chakra when analyzing the chart.

For every thing there is an end(death) hence the 2nd and 7th house from 4th house is considered an end and anything which is 2nd and 7th from A4, or Jupiter or Venus is also considered an end. Hence during the dasa period associated with these planets or bhavas or arudhas we can say that it is an end(destruction of vehicles,native facing accidents).

Jupiter associating or having argala(intervention) on vehicle giving planets will tell us as to what sort of vehicles the native is going to acquire.

A4 will tell us as to how the native is going to acquire the vehicle and who is going him in acquiring the vehicles.

An example chart:

Native D-16 lagna is rising in Meena and lagna is in Surya amsa(giving the vehicle to other for their benefit) and the 4th house lord is Mercury in the 12th house retrograde and 4th house is aspected by Jupiter and Mercury the 4th lord is in Shiva amsa and Jupiter is in Surya amsa..Native acquired a car(Maruti baleno) and the color associated was Metallic Blue color. Saturn is aspecting the dasa lord Jupiter by 3rd house dristi hence the car was luxurious and also the color was associated with that of Saturn(blue).

Later he used the car for a period of 2 years and sold the car for a very less amount and here we find that 4th lord Mercury is in 12th house of sales...

Right now native is using LML energy and it is with the native for many years..The dasa period operating is that of Saturn and here Saturn is in Visnu amsa hence the vehicle is with him for a long period of time.

The timing of acquiring of the vehicle should always be that of 4th house and the sub lord of the 4th house...Here the 4th lord Mercury is in Punarvasu who lord is Jupiter and in the year between 1987-2003 and in the year 8th April 1994 native has acquired the bike which is still with the native..

Let us the dasa period of the year 8th April 1994

Jupiter-Mercury-Moon. Jupiter aspects the 4th house Maha dasa lord and Mercury is the lord of the 4th house in D16 and Moon is placed in the 11th house the house of gains..


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