COVID-19 China and India
In this article we will try and discuss the chart of China with respect to the new virus which erupted in the country and what are the present circumstances the country is facing(Using Narayana dasa)
This the chart of China and the Narayana dasa operating is that of Gemini which started from 02.10.2017 and will be there till 02.10.2021 and the antardasa is that of Cancer operating from 29.01.2020 till 30.05.2020.... Gemini is the 6th house of china chart and here 6th denotes disease and also the present transit we find that Rahu has moved into this sign on 7th March 2020 and will be in this sign till 23rd September 2020...Considering the sign of Gemini as temporary lagna for the China we find that 2nd house(Maraka house/house of death) whose lord is Moon is placed in the 8th house(Marana karaka sthana). Marana means death karaka means doer and sthana means place. Hence the placement of the 2nd lord in the 8th house denotes death or death like situation for the China. Moon denotes mases and also Moon being the lord of the Cancer sign denotes heart and blood and Gemini denotes hands and chest regions...Rahu is transiting this sign and also in the chart of China we find that Rahu in Pisces aspecting the sign Gemini by Rasi dristi...
If we take the lagna of the china as Makara we find that 5th lord is in the 7th house and Mars is the lord of the 5th house when placed in the 7th and getting debilitated denotes death as 2nd and 7th are considered houses of death....
The present transits are as follows: Rahu is transiting Gemini,Jupiter and Ketu in Sagittarius,Saturn and Mars in Capricorn,Mercury in Aquarius,Moon and Sun in Pisces, Venus in the sign of Mars and transit lagna is that of Taurus (Natal lagna is Capricorn).
As per the dwisaptati sama dasa we find that china is under Mars-Sun period and here we find that Mars is 4th lord(home town or country) and Sun is the lord of the 8th house placed in the 9th house of government and natural healing. Sun antardasa is operating from 24.6.2019 till 09.08.2020 and PD is that of Venus where it is the lord of the 5th house(negates 6th house of disease) and being placed in the 10th house denotes that it will start recovering from the ill effects of the Virus. Venus is a jala tattwa graha and controller of cure..This Venus PD is operating from 05.03.2020 till 26.04.2020 hence I am of the opinion that by 26th of April 2020 China will be free from this disease.
In india the dasa of Moon and Saturn is operating and we know that both these planetary combinations denotes Vish Yoga(A yoga for confusion and depression). A panic mode is created with this sort of combination where public will be confused and uncontrolled..In the Narayana dasa we find that India is under taurus Narayana dasa and the Kanya antardasa. Kanya antar dasa is 5th from Taurus which denotes the community at large and also it denotes the markets(Mercury is businessmen). Kanya is aspected by Rahu(5th house dristi) and Mars (4th house) making Kanya under heavy impact...5th also denotes the public at large...Kanya is operating from 14.12.2019 till 15.10.2020. Hence I am of the opinion that the country and public at large will face issues till this period(Oct 2020)...The most critical period will that of Kumbha Pratyantar dasa which is natural badhaka sthana and Rahu is the karaka for this sign. The dasa is from 22.03.2020 till 16.4.2020..