Childhood abuse-Rape Victim

This is the chart of a girl who was raped and abused by her father from the age of 9-11...The bhavas related to early ages comes from 4th house and also from the lagna. Lagna represents the body itself and the 4th house represents the age when the girl is taken care by his or her parents, whereas 7th is the marriage and 10th is the career of the native.
Her in this chart we find that lagna is with a malefic planet Saturn placed in the Marana karaka bhava and in the sign of Leo whose lord is Sun(Sun is the natural karaka for father). Hence the child has to undergo an ordeal from her father..Here we also find that Saturn is the lord of the 7th house and also it aspects Mars and Ketu placed in the 3rd house which is not a good placement and also not a good aspect..On the top of it we also find that Rahu is aspecting this 3rd house by graha dristi. All these combinations point out to an abuse as 3rd is house of copulation and Mars and Ketu are also the 4th house lord placed in the 12th from 4th.
For the leo lagna the 9th house becomes badhaka sthana and badhakesa is again Mars with ketu generating a Pisacha badhaka...Mars is her chara Pitrukaraka in the star of Swati whose lord id Rahu again. Hence there is an absolute link established between Mars+Ketu and Rahu..
12th lord Moon is again badly placed in the 8th house the house of bad karma(Prarabdha karma)...In the Navamsa Venus is badly placed in the 8th house in the sign of Sagittarius...
The girl was raped by her father during the year 1958 and continued doing so for a period of 2 years..The dasa period operating was that of Saturn in the antardasha of Mercury along with lagna lord Sun. Sun and Mercury do not get along well and the 2nd bhava is heavily afflicted by the presence of Saturn in lagna and Mars and Ketu in the 3rd house from lagna.