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Child Birth-How to determine

In this article I would be talking about child birth using the Saptamsa chakra as this chakra as a base to determine the child birth

There are few rules which needs to be understand:

1)Determining whether the child birth is possible or not

2)What is the sex of the child

3)How many children are destined for the native

In order to determine where the child birth we should check the arudha of the 3rd and 9th house and these arudhas have to be seen from lagna and Sun.

If the arudhas of A3 or A9 or AS3 or AS9 are in the 2nd,6th,8th or 12th house then native is barren and native will have issues with respect to child birth

Another rule is that if the planets like Saturn, Mercury and Venus are in trines to D7 lagna then inspite of other rules are giving a clue to the child birth but the rule mentioned above overrides all other rules and native will be childless.(Note that rectification of birth time is very important to come to conclusion).

If the arudha of the A3 and A9 from lagna is in 2nd,th,8th and 12th then native is physically weak to bare children and has to take advise of the doctor and if the same is placed from the Sun then irrespective of having a good arudhas from lagna then native will be childless and doing some remedy is necessary for the child birth.

Sex of the child can be seen from the lord of the Pregnancy. If the lagna of the D7 is rising in ODD sign then the first child is from 5th house, 2nd from 7th and 3rd from 9th house and the counting is direct and if the lagna is rising in EVEN then the first child is from 5th but in reverse direction and so on.

If the lord of the pregnancy is with male planets like Rahu,Sun,Jupiter and Mars then the child will be male otherwise it is female.

If the lord of the sign is not with any planets then the sign in which the lord is placed then the sign will determine the sex of the child.

Signs like Aries,Cancer,Leo,Libra,Saggitarius and Pisces will give male child and other signs give female child.

5th house of the male child and 9th house of the female chart controls the child birth and if the dasas of 6th for male and 10th for female are operating then child birth is not possible and we have to see the next dasa.

If the lord of the D7 lagna is in the 8th house then disease will be the reason for native not having child or difficulty in having child...Need to consult a doctor to cure the disease troubling the native whether it is male or female.

Finally how to time the child birth:

The main dasa which is operating should have benefic intervention(Subha argala) on the lord of D7 lagna or it should obstruct the malefic influence

The antar dasa lord should have some relationship with the lord of the pregnancy or it should be placed in the trines or the 7th or the 12th from it

The Pratyantara dasa should be in trines to D7 lagna.

An example:

In the above child we find that A3 is not in 2nd,6th,8th and 12th from lagna but we find that A9 is in the 6th house from lagna and also we find that the arudha of the S3 and S9 are well placed from Sun. Hence only one issue is with respect to A9 but other arudhas are good hence child birth is promised.

Also note that Saturn, Venus are not in trines to the D7 lagna and only Mercury is in trines to lagna but retro which actual means that Mercury is placed in the 12th house.

The rising lagna of the D7 is EVEN sign hence the counting is in Reverse and the first child is from 9th house which is Pisces sign and the lord is Jupiter placed in the 6th house from Meena rasi hence the Jupiter dasa will not bring the child and the time when the first child was born it was Venus dasa period and we find that Venus is placed in sign of kanya and this sign is a female sign hence my first child was DAUGHTER

The second child has to be seen from 7th house which is 3rd from 9th in reverse order and here we find that it is Makara rasi and the lord is placed in its own sign and again we find that Makara is a female sign and the second child was also female and the dasa operating was Sun and the antar dasa was that of Moon hence Sun-Moon dasa brought the child into this world.

Here we find that Sun is with Mars hence the first the principle is applied

Moon the antar dasa is the lord of the 9th house(trines from D7 lagna)

Jupiter is also the lord of the trines(5th house) and which is the Pratyantar dasa lord bringing the child into the world

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||

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