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Child birth and Jyotish rules

When we are taking about child birth there are some rules prescribed in Jyotish to understand how to analyze the children birth

We know that 5th house plays a very important role when considering the child birth but apart from that we should also see every 3rd house to understand subsequent pregnancies.

So 5th is first child

7th is 2nd child

9th is 3rd child

11 is 4th child

and so on till we come to the 5th house. Here we need to go back to 4th house to further analyze subsequent pregnancies as already we have taken 5th house into account as the first child.

The primary controller of child in a male chart is 5th house and for female chart it is 9th house and the maraka of these houses are 6th and 10th house respectively.

Apart from rasi chakra we have to see the Saptamsa chakra and before doing so we need to see whether the couple are destined to have children for this we have to under some rules

Rule No:1 Saturn,Mars deny to destroy the children hence any association of the Jupiter either by conjunction or aspect and also the 9th lord in the 8th house along with these two combinations tend to destroy the pregnancy

Rule No:2 Even though the natives are blessed to have children if Saturn,Mercury and Venus are in trines to the Saptamsa lagna then irrespective of any yogas the couples will not have children

Rule No:3. Curse manifesting in the chart will also deny the children. If Rahu is placed in the sign of Jupiter which is Pisces or Saggitarius then native may not have children as this is the curse of Jupiter from past life

Rule No:4 Sun,Moon and Jupiter when placed in the 8th house also deny children

Rule No:5 Jupiter being the natural karaka for the 5th house when conjoined or aspected by the 6th lord will deny children...

Rule No:6 If the lord of the 5th house or the 5th house is in the sign of the Mercury and Saturn then native tends to obtain the child outside his marriage(adoption)

Rule No:7 If the 5th house is with Saturn or Mandi then also children birth is denied.

If all the above is not there in the chart then we have to see whether the soul is ready to come to the earth and for this we have to see A3 and A9 from Sun. These two arudha are called as AS3 and AS9 and if these two arudhas are in the 2,6,8,12 from Sun then note that child birth is not possible...If Venus and Mercury are with these two padas then also child birth is denied.

If any of these two padas are not afflicted then child birth is delayed but not denied. In the same way if these two padas are afflicted from lagna then medical intervention is required to obtain children.

D-7 chart plays a very important role to check everything related to child and its fortunes.

For male chart the 5th is controlling house and for female it is 9th house. Hence any dasa lord if placed in the 6th and 10th from these two houses then during that period the child birth is not possible and may lead to abortion...

If the lord of the D7 lagna is in the 8th house then disease is the reason for birth issues.

How to time the child birth:

Take the Maha dasa in operation and see whether it has argala(intervention) on the lord of the Saptamsa lagna and then child birth is possible during the Maha dasa period

Secondly see the antardasa lord and check whether it has any relation with the lord of the child or pregnancy or be placed in the trines,7th or 12th from it...

Finally the Pratyantara dasa is a planet in trines to the Saptamsa lagna..

In the below chart of a female we find that the dasa operating are Moon-Mars-Mercury

Lagna rising is Even hence the counting will reverse and the first child will be from Scorpio and the second child will from Virgo. We are seeing the birth of the 2nd child and the lord being Mercury and it is in 12th from the antardasa lord Mars placed in the Saggitarius sign.

The Pratyantara dasa lord is Mercury placed in the 9th house from the D7 lagna which is Pisces..

In the above Surya arudha chart we find that S3 and S9 are placed in the 11th house from lagna and Sun is with these two arudhas are not in 2nd,6th,8th and 12th from surya hence the child birth was possible

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