Chaturthamsa D-4 Properties
D-4 is the chart of the 4th division and related to all properties at our disposal..As it is one of the varga chakra within the 12 varga chakras and associated with the physical planet it is important to understand this in details with related to assets and properties relating to Lands,Flats or buildings.
Every sign of the rasi chakra is of 30 degrees and if we divided it by 4(1/4 part) we 7 degrees 20 minutes. The first division will fall in the same sign,the 2nd division will fall in the 4th house and the 3rd division will fall in the 7th house and the 4th in the 10th house.
This varga chakra is seen for all matters related to assets,fortune,landed property,mental peace and domestic life.
Deities of the D-4 Varga chakra
Planets well placed in the Kendra or Trikona gives good results related to the properties whereas planets placed in 6th and 12th does not do well with respect to property. Let us take each houses and understand its meaning with respect to D-4 chart
1st House-Attitude towards the property is seen from lagna and lagna lord. If the lord is well placed it is a blessing otherwise it is a curse
2nd house-This bhava shows how a property is purchased and how many properties does the native holds
3rd house-This bhava shows as to with whom we have to share our property. Again planet in kendra is good whereas in the 8th it is bad.
4th house-This is a very important bhava of this chart as this the prime bhava related to the property we own. Lord tells us as to what sort of property the native holds
Sun=Thatched roof or a hut
Moon-Luxurious house with some water in the front yard
Mars-Structures which are very strong just like forts
Mercury-Houses with gardens in the front and some recreation facility
Jupiter-Big walls and huge rooms
Venus=Houses which looks very luxurious
Saturn=Old and house with broken and cracked walls
Rahu-Houses will low light and which are very cramped
Ketu-Houses which are of extreme nature(either very large of very small)
5th house-This bhava will give us information as to how we upkeep the house in terms of maintenance
6th house-This is considered as a bad house as it shows battle
7th house-This house shows our tenants and also how the property is rented out in terms of real estate or occupied by tenants
8th house-This is the house of inheritance as all planets shows inheritance specially Saturn
9th house-This is the house of blessing to the native with respect to his property as it shows baghya and investment
10th house-Properties which are owned by the native for the purpose of business and it is a maraka house(7th from the 4th)
11th House-Gains acquired from the property is seen from this bhava. The gains can be in the form of rents and also shows the longevity of the property as it is 8th from the 4th.
12th house-Not a good house as it denotes losses from more a personnel levels and malefics here denotes losses through natural calamities and disasters
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
