Chart of Sree Rama chandra
Sree rama chandra was born

in Punarvasu star and the Moon is placed in his own sign along with 6th lord(enemy) in the lagna creating a Yoga termed as Gajakesari Yoga. Natives with such yoga will do big things in their life and here we also find that the Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer. Moon is the planet of emotions and also it is the planet related to mind and also here Jupiter is the planet relating to moral values.
6th being the sign of enemy and the planet of enemy here in this case is Jupiter denotes that the enemy is highly knowledge and Jupiter is the planet relating to Brahmans hence we can say that Lord Ravana was the enemy of Sree Rama and he highly knowledge in various shastras and this Jupiter is directly connected to the lagna of Sree rama chandra
When the father of Sree rama wanted to get the name for the native the rishis at that time did not name the child based on the Moon placement and the nakshatras associated with Jupiter but rather took the most powerful planet which is Sun in this case as this being in the 10th house of karma and exalted in Mesha rasi. The starting letter RA is associated with the fire hence RAMA was given as the name to the child.
Saturn is placed in the 4th house of happiness and it is the lord of the 7th house(partner or spouse) and when placed in the house of happiness 4th bhava then we know that after marriage he has been sent to the jungles for a period of 14 years (Moola dasa period)
Sun is with UL(marriage) and A7(Partner) AL(image of the native) and this will tell us that even Sita Mata was also very powerful and from a high circle(Father of Sita Mata was also a king) and the yuti of the AL and A7 denotes Srimanta yog(Laxmi) and also it denotes that Sree Rama was very much attached to his spouse
2nd house is Leo from Lagna and it is the extended family of the native and here we find that the lord Sun is exalted stating that the extended family is also very powerful(Sun denotes kings)
Mars is the lord of the 10th house(karma bhava) and is placed in the 7th house(opposite person or partner) and it is with A3(courage or sibblings) and A11(friends or elders) and Mars also denotes lord Hanuman hence we know that Hanuman was a devotee of Rama chandra Ji.
Saturn in the 4th house exalted is not good as it will not give happiness to the native and the native has to leave the city or the place in which he is born.
If the lagna is the physical existence the image of the lagna reflecting is seen from the Arudha lagna(AL) and this is the special lagna representing the image of the native. Here we find that Sun is exalted denoting that Sri Rama chandra is a person who protects dharma and the Arudha lagna is in Aries sign whose lord is also Mars and Mars represents Khsatriya(Warrior) and we know that Rama chandra Ji was born in Khastriya Lineage(Kula)
Arudha rising in each of the signs is nothing but the reflection of the sign hence the reflection can be good or bad and depending on this we can say how the sign will give results.
Here we find that A6(Shatru Arudha)is rising in the Kumbha rasi(Aquarius) and the lord being Rahu is debiliated in the sign of Dhanus(Saggitarius) denoting that the enemy of Sree Rama chandra was not a good person and we know that Ravana was a Rakshasa but with good knowledge of Vedas as Rahu is in the sign of Jupiter(Knowledge).
Father of Sree Rama chandra is Dasratha and this we can see from the 9th house where Sun is exalted and the lord of the Aries sign is Mars and placed in the Maraka rasi and in the state of exaltation.
Sree Rama chandra has 3 brothers Lakshman,Bharat and Shatrugna and in some scriptures even it is said that Rama had an elder sister Shantha who was adopted by a king..
11th house from arudha lagna is the elder brothers and sisters while 3rd house from arudha lagna are younger brothers and sisters.
