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Chart Matching

Chart matching is an important technique used by most of astrologers and it is very important to understand this technique and its usage as it will help the areas which each of the natives (male and female) control after marriage and how does it impact their life.

The below chart is a Male and Female who got married in the year 1994.We can superimpose the chart of the male and female and here female chart is important as in Hindu tradition when a female comes to another one's life as a spouse she is considered as Lakshmi(God of Prosperity) and Husband is considered as Vishnu(God of sustenance) the one who earns and feeds his family.

Signs are fixed in nature whereas planets are like people who come into your life as per the deeds performed in our past life. Hence females are like Lakshmi who can come into our life either to do good or bad depending on what we have done in our previous life

Note:There is no discrimination between male and female and the moot point of writing this article is to just make the readers understand as to how Karma works and what are the bhava prosper and gets effected by mere placement of planets.

First we will check the Moon of the female and when super imposed on the chart of the female it will be on the sign of Mars where Rahu is placed In the chart of the female 8th house is considered as a bad house as it is the house of Nija dosha/Past life karma and when it goes to the Aries sign of the male sign it will be 9th from his natal lagna. 9th is considered the house of luck hence the luck gets destroyed after the marriage. Note that the Moon of the female chart is also her lord of the 11th house. 11th is desires(desires of making money or gains)

8th lord Mars of the female chart is placed in her Capricorn sign along with Rahu and when superimposed on the male chart it will sit in the 6th house of the male sign.6th is the house of disease and career and 8th lord sits in the capricorn sign of the male chart it denotes that male native will have issues in his career and also native would suffer from diseases.

When the Saturn in the female chart is superimposed in the same sign of the male chart it will be in his 10th house(take the lagna of the male) and also it will connect to his UL(marriage) and this denotes that after marriage native will face lots of ups and downs in his career. Note:Wherever Saturn places or aspects it tends to destroy the significance of the house it is placed or aspected. Saturn is a planet of Karma.He is like a Yama Raja who is going to give us our dues whether good or bad.

Now let us see the placement of Saturn of the male and superimpose on the female chart and here we find that for the female chart it will be the 7th house(Kanya lagna) and Saturn will be acting like as if he is sitting in the 7th house of the female chart. For Kanya lagna 7th is badhaka and the badhakesa is Jupiter placed in the 3rd house in MKS(Marana Karaka sthana). This is not a good placement as the husband of the female native belong to a middle class family.

The lagna of the male native is Sun and the Lagna of the female native is Mercury and we need to see how this placed in each of the chart and in the male chart we find that Mercury is placed in its own sign but retrograde along with Sun and Moon...Mercury is the planet of communication and also it is planet which denotes numbers. The lagna lord of the female chart being placed in the 11th house(Upachaya) should have been good for the male but here Mercury is retrograde which is not a good planetary position.

The lagna of the male native is Sun and being placed in the 11th house female native with Ketu and Venus..Sun and Venus are dire enemies and when other planets are with the nodes then the node will give all the results...Hence here Ketu is giving the result of the Sun and Venus ensuring that the female native gets her income from small sources by way of renting. In the male chart the 4th lord is Ketu which denotes assets which are controlled by the male.

2nd house from UL denotes the longevity of the marriage and in the male chart we find beneficial planets placed in the 2nd from UL and also in the female chart beneficial planets placed in the 2nd from UL .

The badhaka lord Mars of the male chart is being placed in the 5th house of the female chart along with her 6th lord Rahu which denotes that after marriage the female would face numerous health issues(after the birth of first child). Note:5th child is from 5th house,2nd from 7th house and 3rd from 9th house and so on....

The 9th lord of the female chart which is Venus is placed in the lagna of the male chart which denotes that the male would consider the marriage as dharma.But Venus is placed in its enemy sign along with Mandi and Gulika which also denotes that the male will also have health issues after marriage..(in Hindu religion marriage is considered as dharma)and will face issues with respect to his career as A10 rising in the male chart....It also denotes that native will work in those areas like entertainment field,vehicles related field.administrative field.

Both in the chart of the male and female UL lords are Venus and Mercury. Venus and Mercury do not get along well as Venus gets debilitated in the sign of Kanya rasi which is the sign of Mercury...

The same rules can be applied to other arudhas also and depending on the dasa operating these arudhas will also rise

Like for instance in the chart of female Rahu Mahadasha is operating and we find that the same Rahu is placed in the 9th house of the MKS of the male chart. This shows that during the periods of Rahu native will see some issues related to his spouse. Here we see that A7 is also rising.Arudha of the 7th is A7(Arudha means something which is rising).Planets in the MKS tends to destroy their bhavas which they lord. Here Rahu is destroying the 7th house(house of spouse).

In the male chart Saturn Mahadasha is operating and we find that it is in the 9th house of the female chart. Saturn as said earlier when placed in any sign tends to destroy it and here it is destroying the badhya of the female...If a planet is destroying a bhava then it is very important for the dispositor to be placed either in kendra or Trikona or in good houses in Navamsa then we can surely say that bhava prospers and here we find that Venus the dispositor of the Saturn is placed in the 11th house the house of gains which denotes mixed results for the female native. Saturn in 9th is not good as the natural significator of the 9th house are Jupiter and Sun. The same applies to the Rahu also...

Hope this article has helped the readers to some extent as to how match a chart by just superimposing the chart of female with that of male.


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