Business or Career
Two houses play a very important role when considering whether the native will do service or he will have his/her own business.First let us understand the karaka for career and business.
We all know that Mercury and Venus are the prime karakas for business related activities as they are Rajasic grahas and here Mercury is the lord of the natural 3rd and 6th house(Upachaya) and Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house. Here 7th is related to Market and 6th is the rasi associated with Kanya where it is connected to commercial activity as Mercury gets exalted here.
Saturn is the karaka for the service as he lords the natural 10th house of Karma.The other karakas for career are Sun(power and authority) and Jupiter(name and fame).
6th is the house of career whereas 7th is the house of business. Hence depending on the planets in the 6th and 7th house and also the lords of these houses and the number of planets placed in these houses will denote whether the native is interested to continue doing job or would change to business.
More planets in the 6th house makes the native do service and more planets in the 7th house makes the native do business. If these are equal planets in these two houses then native will do service first and later on change to business.
The varga chakra to check all this is D1-,D-9 and D-10.
Let us see some famous celebrity charts who have worked in their fields and excelled
John Malkovich is Actor,Director and Fashion designer and he is a well known actor who acted in many Hollywood movies and was awarded Emmy and Academy awards.
His 10th house is having Jupiter in the sign of Taurus which gives him name and fame in the field of his work. Venus is the planet of entertainment such as movies and television and also it is the planet of designing such fashion and clothes.
7th lord is Saturn getting exalted in the 3rd house of libra(market place) along with Mars the 9th and 4th lord. 10th lord Venus of the rasi chakra is placed in the 8th house of the D-10 chart which gives us a clue of his struggle and ups and downs in his career. 8th is the house of obstacles and also it is the maraka to the 7th house of business... 10th from the Sun in the rasi chakra denotes what fame did the native get during his life time in his work and 10th from Moon tells us whether the native was happy doing his job.. Here in this chart we find that 10th from Sun is the lord himself and 10th from Moon we have Saturn(exalted) with Mars which makes native famous and also a hard working person in the area of his work...Mars denotes aggression and courage.
2nd chart:Al Pacino
Alfredo James "Al" Pacino is an American actor and filmmaker. In a career spanning over five decades, he has received several accolades, including an Academy Award, two Tony Awards, and two Primetime Emmy Awards, becoming one of the few performers to have received the Triple Crown of Acting. In his chart we find that 10th house is fortified with Jupiter,Saturn and Sun. In the earlier chart we find that Jupiter is placed in the 10th house which has made John a famous actor and the same Jupiter in the chart of Al Pacino has given him name and fame..His 10th lord Mars is in the sign of Venus(Entertainment) and in the 11th house of gains and desires...The 10th of rasi chakra which is Mars is placed in the 3rd house of entrepreneurship with Sun generating a Surya Mangala yoga..
In the amsa rulers of the D-10 chakra of Al Pacino we find that Mars the 10th house of rasi chakra is in Yama amsa which denotes that native is very strict and concerned about his career and Jupiter placed in the 10th house of rasi chakra is in Indra amsa giving him lot of power and making him a well known person in the field of entertainment.