Bharatiya Janata Party
This the inception chart of the BJP(Bharatiya Janata Party),Lagna is rising in the sign of Gemini which is a sign of intellectuals and it is the natural 3rd house the house of Upachaya. The lagna lord Lagnesh is Mercury in the kumbha rasi aspected 4 planets Rahu,Jupiter,Saturn and Mars and with ketu the 6th lord. Lagnesh in the 9th house of baghya is good but being aspected by Rahu and other planets denotes that the government(9th is house of government) will be under constant troubles even after forming the government.
2nd house is the house of sustenance and the lord being Moon is in the state of debilitation in the sign of Vrischika and 2nd from Arudha lagna denotes that the BJP will always itself in a position where it may not able to complete the term.
When lagna denotes the entity(BJP) Arudha lagna denotes the power and authority which the entity deserves. The lord of the Arudha lagna is Venus and placed in its own sign and being placed in the 8th house from arudha lagna.8th denotes transformation and how nicely the transformation happens is seen in the 8th from arudha lagna.Good planets transform it nicely whereas bad planets do it in a bad way.The natural karaka for the arudha lagna is Moon and we find that it is placed in 2nd house in neecha which denotes that the entity suffers from sustenance(fall of government) very easily by its enemies(2nd lord of sustenance in the 6th house of enemies).
In the Navamsa we find that Moon is badly placed in the 12th house of Losses hence during the period of 1992 to 1996 was the period of Venus and during this period in the year 1996 the coalition government of the BJP fell due to its enemies(Moon,UPA) which pull its candidates ensuring the defeat of the NDA government.
Venus is exalted in the Meena rasi in Navamsa and it is the lord of the arudha lagna which denotes that businessman will be a supporting factor for the government.
The next dasa of Sun operated from 2012 and we find that Sun is in the sign of Meena rasi and Jupiter is in the sign of Leo which is a Parivartana yoga hence during the periods of Sun it would act as it Jupiter is in its own sign ensuring that a good period starts for the BJP from year 2012..Growth will be the main agenda for them.
Sun is in the 10th house and in the digbala which makes Sun very strong. Sun is a agni tattwa graha and in the sign of Meena rasi(Vishnu). Hence uttering the name of Rama by the candidates of the BJP will ensure a success for it.
Presently the dasa period of Moon is operating from 2018 August and this is the lord of the 2nd house placed in the 2nd house of the arudha lagna. This period is a difficult period for the BJP due to Neecha graha Moon and being placed in the 12th house from the Navamsa lagna.
The Antardasha is also of Moon and the Pratyantar dasa of Venus is operating from 08.04.2019 till 29.5.2018. Venus is the lord of the arudha lagna and exalted in the sign of Meena rasi in Navamsa ensuring success after a period of struggle.
In the Narayana dasa Taurus is the starting sign from 2008-2020 and Venus is placed in its own sign with the antardasha of Scorpio from 2014-2015 during which time BJP came into power...Dispositor of Moon is Ketu and Mars and Ketu is placed in the sukha bhava(4th) and Mars is placed in the 10th house from its sign.
As per the Vimshottari dasa we find that BJP was under the Major period of Sun and Antardasa period of Rahu. From Moon Rahu again in the 10th house and also the Pratyantar dasa period is of Venus which is 12th from Lagna and 2nd from Ghatika Lagna(GL). The lord of the GL is Mars.
Venus the lord of the AL is transiting the GL around the time of counting ie 23rd May 2019. Venus is also transiting the Karma tara and Moon the dasa period is in Kshema tara but Venus is transiting Vipat tara which is not good as some incidents can erupt at the of counting..
Total seats which the party can win is 336 +/- 5
Note: I have no affiliation to any party nor I am member of any party in India.This article is written purely on the basis of my interest in Jyotish.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||