Badhaka has different definitions based on the planet causing badha. In Jyotish terms badha means something which is causing harm or blockage resulting in Physical distress and non fulfilment of desires. Badhaka can be of two types 1)Adrisya(Unknown or which is not traceable or caused by Shadow planets) 2)Aguntaka(external like caused by enemies or spirits)
Badhaka rasi can be understood on the following principles:
For Chara rasi(Movable signs) the 11th house will become badhaka
For Sthira rasi(Fixed signs) the 9th house will become badhaka
For Dwi-svabhava rasi(Dual sign) the 7th house will become badhaka
Chara rasi:Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn
Sthira rasi:Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius
Planets in the badhaka sthana create troubles in their dasa period and if there is no planet in the badhaka sthana then see the lord of the house and see its placement.
For example:For Leo lagna the 9th house will become badhaka sthana and Mars will become badhakesa(Aries Lord). See its placement to understand how the badhaka is working.
For Libra lagna the 11th house will be the badhaka sthana and Sun will become badhakesa.See the placement of the Sun in the signs to understand its outcome.
If badhakesa is afflicted then it is not easy tor rectify
See the Navamsa placement of the bafhakesa to understand what body discomfort is expected during the periods of badhakesa
If nodes are connected to badhakesa then understand that it is difficult to understand as to where the badhaka is coming from
Planets which are becoming badhakesa:
Rahu=Torments and Harasser
Mars and Saturn=Injury,Physical damage,hurting,killing,asking the person to move out of the country for some reasons,excluding the person from the group
Sun and Moon=Penalty by the government in the form of removing from the services or penalising the person
Mercury=Issuing a contradictory or objectionable word or statement
Jupiter=Unable to use intelligence properly leading to exclusion from higher posts
Various remedies can be identified and given to the client who is suffering from badhaka resulting in he getting relieved from the problems he is facing.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||
