Most of us where not aware as to what Arudhas are and how these arudhas are to be calculated and what is the purpose of these arudhas
Arudhas are of two types;
1)Rasi arudha
2)Graha arudha
For rasi arudha count from the sign to its lord and calculating the same distance so arrived previously
For graha arudha count from the planet to its sign and calculating the same distance so arrived
If the arudha of a sign or the planet is in the same sign then take the 10th from it and such a sign so arrived should be treated as arudha
And in the same way if the arudha of the sign or the planet is in the 7th from it then take the 4th from it and such a sign so arrived should be treated as arudha
The reason for taking such arudhas as 10th and 4th is that arudha are the reflection of the planet and sign and these are mayas or illusions hence the illusion cannot be in the 1st and 7th as these are called as Satya peethas. 1st is birth or self and 7th is maraka or death. We take birth to die.
People Judge us by the way they perceive us as perception is everything related to mind and mind always plays with us which is nothing but Maya or Illusion.
Lagna refers to self and intelligence hence the reflection of this self is noting but Arudha lagna which is represent by AL . For example let us say that a native is born in Leo lagna and the lord of this lagna is Sun. We need to see where the Sun is placed and count from the lagna to the Sun and also count the same number of signs to arrive at the arudha lagna. (Note do not forget to take the exception into account)
A1Â Â Â Â Â Â Arudha lagna, Pada lagna, Arudha, pada
A2Â Â Â Â Â Dhanarudha, Vittarudha, Dhana pada, Vittta pada
A3Â Â Â Â Â Bhatrarudha, Bhratri pada, Vikramarudha, Vikrama pada
A4Â Â Â Â Â Matri pada, Vahana pada, Sukha pada, Matrarudha, Vahanarudha, Sukharudha
A5Â Â Â Â Â Mantra pada, Mantrarudha, Putrarudha, Putra pada, Buddhi pada
A6Â Â Â Â Â Roga pada, Satru pada, Rogarudha, Satrarudha
A7Â Â Â Â Â Dara pada, Dararudha
A8Â Â Â Â Â Mrityu pada, Kashta pada, Kashtarudha, Randhrarudha
A9Â Â Â Â Â Bhagya pada, Bhagyarudha, Pitri pada, Pitrarudha, Dharma pada, Guru pada
A10Â Â Â Â Karma pada, Karmarudha, Swarga pada, Swargarudha, Rajya pada
A11Â Â Â Â Labha pada, Labharudha
A12Â Â Â Â Upapada lagna, Upapada, Gaunapada, Vyayarudha, Moksha pada
ARUDHA MEANS MOUNTING OR VEHICLE OR SOMETHING WHICH IS RISING.For example let us say a person become head of the state or country hence here the arudha will be his office or chair where he would sitting and controlling the state or territory...
Arudhas of the different houses are the manifestation of these houses in this world..Each of these arudha when looked in different varga chakra correspond and apply to only those varga chakra.
For example when we look at the D-10 chart(chart relating to career and profession) A10 denotes the work the native is doing and whether the native is happy with his job. In the same way if we check his D-4 chart whether the native is happy with his home environment and this we can see from A4.
In the same way when we want to see whether a person is studing in best of colleges we have to GL in the D-24 chart associated with studies.
In this way we can understand the arudhas...