Arudha lagna or AL2
Arudha lagna represents the perceived self by others in the society who are around us and how their mind perceives us with respect to the materialistic point of view while lagna is the inner self . Arudha lagna is like a Moon reflecting the rays of the Sun which is the lagna
Hence arudha lagna is the reflection of the lagna and in this article it is henceforth termed as AL for short
A planet acts as a Mirror giving the same importance to the corresponding reflection with respect to the original Sign.
Moon does not have its own light and take the light of the Sun and reflects the rays.
So the arudha is the Moon while the sign is the Sun
AL is as important as lagna hence we should not ignore it in our chart analysis.
A person may be understood as very intelligent (Self) by he is perceived as a dumb person in the socieity he lives (AL).. as it all depends on the arudha lagna which controls the image of the person
Today we will discuss about the 2nd house from arudha lagna as it is all about sustenance
It also tells us about what planets play a role in sustaining a human
Benefics like Venus,Jupiter and Mercury when placed in the 2nd hosue from arudha lagna it will make the native rich specially when the planet Jupiter is placed in the 2nd house from arudha lagna
Jupiter in the 2nd house from arudha lagna ensures that native speaks truth, while Mercury in the 2nd house from arudha lagna makes the native rule over the country and Venus in the 2nd house from arudha lagna will make the native famous for his poetry.
Apart from the above planets if there are malefics like Saturn,Rahu,Ketu and Mars are placed in the 2nd house from arudha lagna will destroy the arudha rising
Here is the chart of Bill Gates

The chart is rising with Leo lagna denoting power and authority for the native but here we find that the lagna lord is Sun getting debiliated giving us a clue that Bill gates would have faced some legal issues from the government and here he has faced some issues from his competitior Sun Micro systems for infringement of their invovation.
Arudha lagna is in the sign of Scorpio with Rahu giving him a bad image in the socity as Rahu is a negative planet and also he is the lord of the 4th house from arudha lagna placed in the arudha lagna itself with Venus the karaka for market. A3 is also rising with the arudha lagna denoting a fierce competition to survive in the market...AL2 is in the sign of Saggitarous and JUpiter being the lord of this sign is also also aspecting its own sign making the sign stronger and also it is placed in the 2nd house from the lagna making the richest person in the world.
Planets placed in the 11th house from arudha lagna are Mars and Moon. Mars is all about security and Moon is the people and this will generate Chandra Mangala yoga and we know that Bill gates also got involved in producing the security system.