WHAT IS ARUDHA: Arudha is nothing but the reflection of a bhava and this reflection of the house or the bhava is represented by A(and the house number). For example if we want to understand what is the arudha of the 5th house we should see where A5 is placed and in the same way other houses reflecting as Arudha is as follows:
2nd house=A2
3rd house=A3
4th house=A4
5th house=A5
6th house=A6
7th house=A7
8th house=A8
9th house=A9
10th house=A10
11th house=A11
12th house=UL
While LAGNA IS the representation of the self the Arudha lagna(AL)is the representation of the image of the self as this shows how native is perceived in the world as it shows the status of the native in the eyes of the world or fellow beings or the society
There are two types of arudhas
1) Bhava arudha
2) Graha arudha
Arudha padas of all the 12 houses in all the divisional charts are defined as BHAVA arudhas
While Graha arudhas are nothing but the arudha of the planets
These two are different in nature and will give different results
While Bhava arudhas represent the image of the bhava(house) and Graha arudha represent the image of the graha in question
Take sign containing the house of interest in the chart
Find the sign occupied by the lord of the house
Count signs from the house to the sign containing the lord
Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign
There is an exception here: If the arudha is falling in the 1st or the 7th house then we have to take the 10th house from such sign otherwise there is no change
The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the sign in question
A1-Arudha lagna,Arudha lagna,Pada lagna
A3-Bhatraarudha, Vikram pada
A4-Matri pada, Vahana pada
A5-Mantra pada,Putra pada
A6-Roga pada,Satru pada
A7-Dara pada, Dara arudha
A8-Mrityu arudha, Kashta pada
A9-Baghya pada,Pitri pada
A10-Karma pada, Karma arudha
A11-Labha pada,Labha arudha
A12-Upapada Laga,Gaunapada
While lagna is the self and is always true as sathya the arudha of the lagna is represented as AL and it is the maya associated with the lagna
Each and every varga chakra based on the planetary positions the arudhas change and proper analysis has to be made by looking at these arudhas
Let us see the Bhava arudha and Graha arudha of India
Arudhas are the maya or the reflection associated with the rasi and grahas hence each and every planet placed in various houses from arudha lagna gives different results
Venus,Moon,Mercury and Jupiter when placed in the arudha lagna or in the 4th or 7th or 10th from arudha lagna are considered best and the remaining planets in other houses are not so good and considered as malefics as they do not give good results