Arudha lagna of the 8th house(AL8)
8th from lagna is a very mystic house and the prime karaka for this is Saturn as this planet is Ayurshakaraka. Planets placed in this house will give us a clue as to how healthy the native is as benefic will give good health whereas malefics will do otherwise(bad health). As per the principle of Bhavat Bhavam 4th from the 4th is 8th house. 4th as we know is the house of sukha as it is jala tattwa rasi and the 8th from it is the place of Toilet where everyday our body cleans itself. The natural outlet in our body is Anus.Hence it is very important to ensure that our body cleanses itself to keep us fit and fine. So malefics planets are not welcomed here.
Sattva Guna and Rajas Guna grahas are good in the 8th from arudha lagna as perception of the people towards us is that they find us fit and fine but where as Malefics will let everyone know what bad habits we have as AL is the image of us.
Moon cannot be placed here even though it is benefic as Moon is the natural karaka for AL.8th house is the house of risk and bad debts hence benefic are good here as banks will ready to give you loans.
8th from arudha lagna will also show who would obstruct/support the native.Hence it is better to have benefics here.
Benefics should be placed in 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th
10th or 11th todo good.
Chart example:Below chart is the chart of Rahul Gandhi..Here we find that Ketu is placed in the 8th from arudha lagna which denotes that people have perception about the native having some secret addictions.Saturn is aspecting his lagna from the 7th house and this denotes that native is addicted as Saturn denotes addiction. Jupiter is retrograde which is not good as far as lagna is concerned as Jupiter is dhi shakhti and lagna is self.
He lost is elections as we can Rahu in the 2nd from arudha lagna even though placed in its own house. He has not lost totally but retained few seats in the Lok sabha elections 2019. Malefics cannot be in the 2nd from arudha lagna as it is the house of sustenance.
His Atmakaraka is Saturn Debilitated in the 7th house and in the sign of Bharani star whose lord is Venus placed in the 10th house the house of karma...This placement of Venus has given him power and authority after the death of his father Rajiv Gandhi as Venus is his chara Pitrukaraka.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||
