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Andhra Pradesh and Present status

This is the chart of swearing in ceremony of Jagan Mohan Reddy at the time he became the CM of Andhra Pradesh(Amaravati).

The chart is rising with Leo lagna and the lagnesh is placed in the 10th house making it strong as Sun is having Digbala(Directional strength). Rider:Mars and Sun when placed in the 10th house becomes very strong as it will acquire Digbala(Directional strength). The lagnesh is with Mercury which is lord of the 2nd and 11th house. Mercury+Sun combination denotes Nipuna yoga . Lagna rising in the sign of Leo denotes power and authority as Leo is the natural 5th house of the zodiac. Following are the rules which are applied to the chart of any entity unlike to the chart of the native:

1st house:General affairs of the state, constitution and general well being of the public at large

2nd House:Revenue and collections, imports

3rd House:Communications,Our neighbours,Internet,Rail and air

4th House:Education,Schools and colleges and other formal educational institutions

5th House:Population,birth rate,attitude of the rulers and crime rate

6th House:Loans and advances,rulers and diseases the population faces

7th House:Womanhood and their health, war and external affairs

8th House:Death rate,Guarantee,state treasury

9th House:Religious institutions,temples and other worship places,Judicial system and legal laws

10th House:The ruler and head of the state or country,Foreign trade,exports,misuse of power and exploitation

11th House:Gains and Incomes from world trade, Friends from foreign countries

12th House:Secret time and Secret service,Hospitals,deadly secret plots against the country

Even the charakaraka are used when reading the chart of the state or country.

Rahu has become Darakaraka which denotes what relationships the state would carry out with other state or our neighbouring state(Telengana).Rahu is placed in the 11th house in the state of its exaltation and also with 4th lord Mars. Rahu is the lord of the 7th house. Hence two malefic planets placed in the 11th house denotes friends of the state. Rahu is placed in the star of Punarvasu whose lord is Jupiter and this planet is retrograde which denotes that the state will have issues in maintaining peace as Jupiter is the planet of peace..5th house also connects to the population and the rulers themselves hence Jupiter being retrograde denotes the rulers are adamant and would not listen to their citizens.

Saturn has become the amatyakaraka and with the 4th lord Ketu(home town or state). Amatyakaraka denotes the work of the people at large and here Saturn is that which is connected to working class and Retro saturn gives us a clue as to what is the state of affairs of such working class. Retrograde Saturn denotes such people who are very hardworking people and also those who are from the lower rung of society..

Saturn and Ketu combination is considered as a voilotite combination and will lead to mutiny of the working class against the state government

Ketu the 4th lord is under heavy curse by the aspect of Rahu and Mars from the 11th house and conjunction of Saturn the 7th house lord. 5th house is considered the house of poorvapunya and no malefics should be placed here as it could destroy the bhava significance

The tithi in which the ceremony was performed was that of Krishna Ekadasi and Mars being the lord of this tithi is placed in the 11th house under the control of Rahu which is exalted. Mars is also the co-lord of 4th house...The combination of Rahu+Mars is considered as Kuja Stambhana where Mars looses it power.Kuja is the planet of fire and energy and when such planet is placed in the 11th house with Rahu the 7th lord it becomes static and cannot give its results. 11th house rahu placement is bad as it denotes the means with which the gains are acquired by the government. Rahu is a very diabolic planet.

The placement of the 7th lord Rahu in the 11th house also denotes that what the opposite people desire. 11th denotes gains and money and with 4th lord Mars also denotes that the opposite parties or the womanhood(7th is the house of women or spouse) are fighting for some cause relating to the home town or state(Here in this case it is Amaravati)

12th lord Moon in 8th house denotes Vipareeta Raja Yoga and this denotes some sudden change(Moon is the natural 4th house lord) hence there can be some sudden changes relating to the home town. Here we should also see how strong is lagnesh and we can find that Lagnesh being Sun is strong and placed in Digbala. Sun denotes government and the king himself.

Jupiter is the AK which denotes the king himself and planets in the kendra to this AK will help the king to realise his dreams or desires. Planets like Mercury and Sun are placed in Kendra to the AK and the signs in the 6th and 8th from the AK reject the desires of the king and here we find that Rahu and Mars are in 8th from AK and Venus is placed in the 6th from AK. Hence the womanhood(Rahu 7th house lord), Venus(Women) Mars(younger generation) will oppose the king.

The present situation in AP is that there is a proposal for 3 new capitals and this is opposed by women and youngster and farmers across the state.

The present dasa of Moon and Mercury are operating.Mercury is placed in the 3rd from Moon and Mercury is the lord of the 4th and 7th from Moon. Mercury is with Sun and 7th from AK Jupiter. Hence Mercury is helping Jupiter in fulfilling the desire of the king.The aim of the change of capital is to decentralize the authority of the state and also to increase the revenue and ensure overall growth of the state. Mercury is the planet of business and businessman, Moon is the planet of society and people around and Venus is the planet of Market place.

The government of AP has introduced the bill to bifurcate the state into 3 capital where Executive capital will be at Vizag and two other capitals will be a Amaravati and Kurnool.

Moon is in the sign of Pisces and this denotes north direction where there is lot of water. Pisces is the sign of huge water resources and oceans or water bodies. We know that Vizag is such a place.

As per the Narayana dasa also we find that AP is under Leo and Pisces Narayana dasa. From Leo Pisces is 8th house and lord of Pisces being Jupiter is retrograde placed in the 4th house and also it is chara AK..There is lot of hue and cry happening in the state of AP where the TDP and BJP are going against the bifurcation of state...Both these parties are connected to Jupiter. TDP Flag is yellow in color and BJP national emblem is Lotus.

This state of opposite is there till the dasa of Pisces will go on and it will be till 27.2.2020..


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