Andhra Pradesh
In this article as per the swearing ceremony chart of Jagan Mohan Reddy the CM of AP I will share some astrological analysis:
Swearing in was done on 30th May 2019 at 12:27 PM at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh,India
Panchanga as per the chart:
F:\Jagannatha Hora\data\Jagan Mohan reddy swearing
Natal Chart
Date: May 30, 2019
Time: 12:27:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 80 E 37' 00", 16 N 31' 00"
Vijayawada, India
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Lunar Yr-Mo: Vikari - Vaisakha
Tithi: Krishna Ekadasi (Ma) (16.78% left)
Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)
Nakshatra: Revati (Me) (41.34% left)
Yoga: Ayushman (Ke) (7.58% left)
Karana: Balava (Mo) (33.56% left)
Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Sc)
Mahakala Hora: Saturn (5 min sign: Ta)
Kaala Lord: Moon (Mahakala: Moon)
Sunrise: 5:37:55
Sunset: 18:32:17
Janma Ghatis: 17.0450
Ayanamsa: 24-06-44.10
Sidereal Time: 4:49:29
Chara Karakas:
Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa
Lagna 18 Le 54' 54.13" PPha 2 Le Vi
Sun - GK 14 Ta 30' 06.49" Rohi 2 Ta Ta
Moon - MK 24 Pi 29' 16.81" Reva 3 Pi Aq
Mars - PK 15 Ge 01' 16.66" Ardr 3 Ge Aq
Mercury - BK 24 Ta 58' 33.39" Mrig 1 Ta Le
Jupiter (R) - AK 26 Sc 47' 41.47" Jye 4 Sc Pi
Venus - PiK 23 Ar 59' 47.53" Bhar 4 Ar Sc
Saturn (R) - AmK 25 Sg 41' 36.26" PSha 4 Sg Sc
Rahu - DK 25 Ge 33' 15.24" Puna 2 Ge Ta
Ketu 25 Sg 33' 15.24" PSha 4 Sg Sc
Maandi 9 Cn 58' 56.87" Push 2 Cn Vi
Gulika 29 Ge 05' 10.84" Puna 3 Ge Ge
Bhava Lagna 26 Le 29' 57.38" PPha 4 Le Sc
Hora Lagna 8 Sg 46' 09.42" Mool 3 Sg Ge
Ghati Lagna 15 Li 34' 45.54" Swat 3 Li Aq
Vighati Lagna 19 Cp 37' 46.13" Srav 3 Cp Ge
Varnada Lagna 18 Ta 54' 54.13" Rohi 3 Ta Sg
Sree Lagna 20 Pi 05' 27.97" Reva 2 Pi Cp
Pranapada Lagna 19 Vi 54' 07.29" Hast 3 Vi Ge
Indu Lagna 24 Aq 29' 16.81" PBha 2 Aq Ta
Bhrigu Bindu 10 Sc 01' 16.03" Anu 3 Sc Li
Dasa periods:
Vimsottari Dasa:
Maha Dasas:
Merc: 2009-06-09 (9:48:30) - 2026-06-09 (18:29:37)
Ket: 2026-06-09 (18:29:37) - 2033-06-09 (13:21:45)
Ven: 2033-06-09 (13:21:45) - 2053-06-09 (16:32:02)
Sun: 2053-06-09 (16:32:02) - 2059-06-10 (5:14:34)
Moon: 2059-06-10 (5:14:34) - 2069-06-09 (18:50:40)
Mars: 2069-06-09 (18:50:40) - 2076-06-09 (13:53:43)
Rah: 2076-06-09 (13:53:43) - 2094-06-10 (4:28:48)
Jup: 2094-06-10 (4:28:48) - 2110-06-11 (6:59:26)
Sat: 2110-06-11 (6:59:26) - 2129-06-11 (3:45:27)
Present dasa periods:
Vimsottari Dasa:
Merc MD: 2009-06-09 (9:48:30) - 2026-06-09 (18:29:37)
Jup AD: 2021-06-25 (4:37:59) - 2023-10-03 (9:01:57)
Pratyantardasas in this AD:
Jup: 2021-06-25 (4:37:59) - 2021-10-15 (19:44:27)
Sat: 2021-10-15 (19:44:27) - 2022-02-20 (13:29:15)
Merc: 2022-02-20 (13:29:15) - 2022-06-18 (17:40:57)
Ket: 2022-06-18 (17:40:57) - 2022-08-07 (14:23:35)
Ven: 2022-08-07 (14:23:35) - 2022-12-22 (23:36:17)
Sun: 2022-12-22 (23:36:17) - 2023-02-01 (1:17:17)
Moon: 2023-02-01 (1:17:17) - 2023-04-10 (0:35:04)
Mars: 2023-04-10 (0:35:04) - 2023-05-29 (2:08:43)
Rah: 2023-05-29 (2:08:43) - 2023-10-03 (9:01:57)
Chart at the time of swearing in:

Points analyzed:
1)The GL(Ghatika lagna relating to power and authority) is with Rahu and with Gulika hence the power will be misused for his benefit
2)2nd house of finances and exchequer is aspected by Malefic's like Mars and Saturn by graha dristi and by Rahu by rasi drishti ensuring that the coffers will become empty
3)The Moon is with SL but in the Marana karaka bhava and Moon is 12th lord of expenses in the 8th house of bad debts
4)4th lord of home or state is with Saturn in the 5th house ensuring that the citizens of the state become clueless as to what is going on and also fall into troubles and vices. Saturn with Ketu is like a pisacha badha. This 5th is aspected by two Malefic's Rahu and Mars by graha drishti and with having Saturn. State in deep troubles along with its citizens
5)10th lord is the ruler of the state and here it is Venus and it is placed in the 9th house of government and the dispositor is badly conjoined with Rahu.
6)Mercury-Jupiter is operating right now in the chart of AP(Jagan Swearing), The antar dasa lord Jupiter is placed in the Jyesta star whose lord is Mercury and in the 10th house of the ruler and with lagnesh Sun. Note that Sun and Mercury cannot get along well as these planets oppose each other with respect to their views(difference of opinions). That is what is happening in the state of AP
7)Jupiter is retrograde hence Jupiter denotes BJP and retrograde means coming back and now Jupiter is trying to make in-roads into the AP and form a government...
8)Mercury Maha dasa is in the 12th house of D9 which is not good. In the D10 chakra relating to career we find that Mercury is in 8th house and exalted..8th denotes ups and downs and transformation..
9)Jupiter as the Atma-karaka in the Vrischika rasi denotes some secrecy relating to the home town or the state and also the finances of the government as Jupiter is the natural karaka for money...
Till when this situation continues and I am of the opinion that by september 2021 things may come up to some conclusion. Let hope,wait and watch