Analyzing Ukraine's Current Economic Trends: A Brief Chart Analysis
The chart of Ukraine rises with Saggitarius Lagna and Rahu is placed in the sign debiliated and Ketu in the 7th house and Mars in the 10th house. This placement of planets are considered as Sarpa dosha as there are no benefics in the kendras which are the pillars of ay chart but here we find that Jupiter is aspecting its own sign Saggitarius making it strong and cancelling the SARPA DOSHA

Note that 1,4,7,10 are considered as Kendras or Visnu bhavas as these are very important for sustenance as Visnu is all about sustanance
1st house is self where the body is alive with some colour and height
4th house is happiness from mother,relief from sickness and all about properties
7th house is about relationships or partners
10th is about the karma what we do in this world. It is all about career or profession
Hence if any of these house are afflicated or without any benefic internvetion such houses or bhavas do not prosper and their significance is lost
Rahu is all about deisres as it is the head of a demon which has been cut by Visnu during the Meeru mantha and when the demon tried to drink the nectar Visnu beheaded the demon(by that time demon drank some nectar) which made him imoortal. Hence here the head is all about thinking and executing the ideas while the remaining part of the body(torso) does not have eyes hence it is the Ketu(moksha)
In the 7th house Ketu is also debiliated and it is in the star of Punarvasu whose lord is Jupiter ad here Jupiter is the lord of Saggitarius the rising lagna of usa. We have an old saying "BIRDS OF SAME FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER" and this abtly fits into the Ukraine characteristics
10th house is with Mars the lord of the 5th house of citixens and when placed in the 10th house it becomes very powerful due to DIGBALA(directional strength)
Sun and Mars are very strong when placed in the 10th house of the kundali or horoscope
Saturn and Moon are placed in the 2nd house and even though Saturn is placed in its own sign but being retrograde it will be difficult for the countries economy and Moon being the lord of the 8th house also gives us a clue about the state of affairs of the native of the country. Saturn-Moon combination is VISHA YOGA.
On 20th Feb 2014 Ukraine started war with Russia and during this period the dasa operating is Jupiter and this Jupiter will be there till 2029..Jupitaer is chara Gynatikaraka and being placed in the 9th house of foreign conections and this Jupiter is placed in the star of Ketu and Ketu is placed in the 7th house and in Jyotish 7th house is Maraka house. Ketu is also the lord of the 12th house. There is a Nakshatra parivartana where Jupiter is in the star of Magha whose lord is Ketu and Ketu is in the star of Punarvasu whose lord is Jupiter..Hence there is a strong parivartana between Jupiter and Ketu and here the Maha dasa Jupiter which is operating has given the result of the Ketu which is Maraka yoga.
The antar dasa is that of Sun and this antar dasa lord is also placed in the 9th house of foreign country and both these maha dasa and antar dasa lord Jupiter-Sun are both placed in the same sign Leo with A6 lotd denoting rise of enemies..
While the Maha dasa lord is well placed in the 9th house the antar dasaa lord is badly placed in the 8th house from Moon denoting major transformation for the country and the leader at large(Zelensky)
In the year Dec 1 1991 Ukraine citizens voted for a seperate country and later it was passed in their council and ukraine was declared a seperate country and got seperated from Russia. The dasa is that of Mars-Saturn.
As said earlier when Saturn-Moon is cojoined in a rasi chakra then a major transformation can be expected and here the dasa proves that Ukraine got seperated from Russia and note that Mars is the lord of the 12th house(exit) placed in the 10th house of the rasi chakra and here 10th house deotes the country at large...It is also the lord of the 5th house and here 5th denotes citizens and it is the citizens who opted for a seperate country.
The war is still continuing and this may cotinue till 2025 March.
In the Narayana dasa 12th house got activated denoting losses for the country at large and from this house we find that Rahu is placed in the 2nd house along with lagna denoting that they have to depend on other country finances and here it is the USA which is helping the country in terms of pumping money and arms into the country
The Scorpio dasa started from 2017 and will operate till 2027..
Let us hope that WAR will end and peace prevails.. As the citizes are suffering because of this WAR, Here we find that the Aries antar dasa is also operating and it is heavily afflicted by Mars and Rahu ad also aspected by Jupiter ensuring that somebody or a country will try to pacify the situation and bring the war to an end.
