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AL3 Circumstances of death

In this article we would try to understand as to what are the circumstances in which a native dies. We all know that someday we have to leave this Mortal world to take birth again and perform our Karmas and this our soul has been doing for thousands of life times.

What we have done in our past life we have to reap it in this present life whether it is a good karma or bad karma. Death is inevitable and every living thing has to move from this mortal world, some may die peacefully on their beds, some may die in crashes and some may die in various other ways be it drowning,falling from heights,through diseases or through fire and feminine.

We all know that 2nd and 7th house are considered the house of death(Maraka houses)Hence we see no planets has any interest in these houses as these planets are like human being and do not like to be removed from the earth(material plane).The houses of longevity are 3nd and 8th house. These are seen from lagna which means if the lagna has to get destroyed then 2nd and 7th houses from the lagna have to get activated and if the lagna has to survive then 3rd and 8th houses have to be seen.

Every house has a cushion which means every houses tries to protect the 2nd house from itself and if these houses are weak then it denotes the end of life.

For lagna to survive we have to eat, but if there is no food to eat the 2nd house gets destroyed and the native becomes weak and perishes. In the same way if we want to buy our food 2nd house has to be strong as only money can buy us some food. If the 2nd house is weak then lagna becomes weak and it perishes.

In the same way 6th house is enmity and disease which will destroy our body hence death comes to us in any form. That is why 7th house is also considered as the Maraka house.Enemies can kill us due to enemity or Grudge and in the same way disease can kill us as our body is weak and vulnerable to death causing diseases.

Every lagna has an image attached to it. Some have good image and some have bad image. The way lagna is important, in the same way arudha lagna is also important as it denotes the image of the person living. Arudha means something which is rising and can be see, hence arudha lagna is the image of the lagna. Lagna is Satya Peetha whereas Arudha lagna is Asatya Peetha.

3rd and 8th house is considered as houses of longevity but how a person died has to be seen in the 3rd from arudha lagna. We know that the body is non existent once it dies but how a native died can only be seen in the 3rd from arudha lagna(circumstances of death).

This can be seen in some examples which are given below:


Here you will find that Arudha lagna is placed in the Cancer sign with Rahu and Moon and the 3rd house from it is Virgo(Gardens) and Sun(fire power). Gandhiji was killed by Gun fire near his Garden where he has gathered along with his followers


Indira gandhi was assassinated by her bodyguards near her residence at Janpath road, New Delhi. In this chart we find that her arudha lagna is in Aries sign and 3rd from it is Gemini with Ketu in it. Ketu denotes soldiers. It was soldiers who were her bodyguards killed her instantly..She died in the year 31st Oct 1984


JFK was the former President of the United States. His arudha lagna is in Scorpio and the 3rd from it is Capricorn. Lord of this sign is Saturn being placed in the Cancer sign(Movable sign). He was killed on 22nd November 1963 when he was driving. " Traveling in a presidential motorcade through downtown Dallas, he was shot once in the back, the bullet exiting via his throat, and once in the head.[316] "In this chart you will see that Rahu and Saturn is aspecting the 3rd house from arudha lagna and this is considered as a bad death(Dushta Marana yoga).

This is the chart of our Former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi. In his chart we find that Arudha lagna is in Taurus sign and the 3rd from it is Cancer with Rahu in it.Rahu is a very dangerous planet and this planet is placed in the sign of Cancer denoting a women who has malicious intentions. We know that he was killed by a women bomber when he visited Sriperumbudur.This is also also called as a Bad death as the lady denoted a bomb strapped to her waist. She was a suicide bomber .


This is another chart and this native name is Sanjay Gandhi the son of Indira Gandhi. Sanjay gandhi was member of the Gandhi family. In this chart we find that the arudha lagna is in Libra and 3rd from it is Sagittarius with Mars in it..When ever a planet is placed in the sign of Sagittarius it is stated that the native dies from heights. In this case we know that Sanjay gandhi died in a plane crash. He was subjected to head injuries. Mars is the lord of the Mesha sign which is the head of Kalapurusha..His Atmakaraka is Sun which is placed in Jyeshta Nakshtra and very close to the Sagittarius sign in 28 degrees.


This is the chart of Versatile actress Sridevi. In her chart we find that the arudha lagna is in Pisces and Moon is placed in the sign of Taurus. She lost her life in a water tub. Moon denotes water..She died when she was in Dubai attending a party.


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