In this article we will discuss about Hora. Hora is derived from the word AHORATRA. Hora deals with the sustenance(2nd house) hence the varga chakra associated with this D-2.2nd house deals with Money and fixed balances which can be in the form of Hard or Liquid cash.
It can be in the form of Jewelleries also either in gold or silver or in the form of Bonds which can be encashed at any point of time..
Parasara Hora deals with such issues related to money at our disposal for our sustenance.
Two important factors have to be considered when we talk about Hora 1)Demand 2)Supply.
Moon is demand as society is involved where Sun is supply as it is the prime activity of the Sun.Without Sun no living being can survive be it either living or non living things.
All the grahas are divided into 2 groups. 1)Demand and 2)Supply. Jupiter,Sun,Mars are very strong in the Sun hora and Moon,Venus and Saturn are very strong in the Moon Hora.
Money,Men and Material are considered are three vital resources which are controlled by Sun,Mars and Jupiter hence if all these three planets are in the Sun Hora then all the resources are abundantly available and the same goes to Moon,Venus and Saturn are good in the Moon Hora. Planets in the Sun hora are considered day strong and if placed in the Moon hora they are night strong.
Mercury is that planet will act as per its placement. Mercury is a business related planet hence it has the pure qualities of businessman. Mercury is that planet which will pick up products from the producers(Sun) and deliver to the Society(Moon). Mercury is of a changeable nature hence it will change it colors depending with whom he is placed.
Nodes like Rahu and Ketu also have a role to play in the Hora. Nodes being always in the retrograde Moon Rahu is more strong in Moon Hora and Ketu in Sun Hora.Rahu and ketu tend to create extreme shortage of supply as the demand goes up and Ketu does the same by the way of automation.
Lagna in every varga chakra is important and the Lagna in D-2 favours the sign where it is placed in the sense if the Lagna is placed in Sun Hora then it favour production and the reverse when placed in the Moon Hora.
Sign is of 30 degrees hence when divided by 2 which we 15 degrees each hence the first hora will be of 0-15 and the 2nd Hora is of 15-30 degrees.Sun rules the first hora of the ODD sign and Moon rules the Second Hora of Even sign which means 0-15 degrees of the ODD sign goes to Sun while 15-30 degrees of the EVEN sign goes to Moon hora.
The power of the Sun will be of 100% when the Sun is in 0 degree of the ODD sign and 15 degree of the EVEN sign.The strength will come down to 75% when Sun is in 7 degrees of the ODD sign and 22 degrees of the EVEN sign and further diminishes to 25% when the Sun is in 15 degrees of the ODD sign and 30 degree of the EVEN sign and the Sun strength reduces further when it is in Moon Hora.
For a planet like Jupiter,Sun and Mars being male they give good results when placed in ODD sign in the Sun hora and in the same way all Female signs like Venus,Saturn and Moon when placed in the EVEN sign and in Moon Hora will give good results.
Below is the hora chart of the India wealthiest person Mukesh Ambani..Here the lagna is rising in Cancer sign denoting what the native favours and here being in the Moon hora native will favours DEMAND and it will be his main moto.Sun is in its own sign and here it would also denote that Supply will also be the same as the demand is.
Saturn in ODD sign and being an enemy of Sun will disrupt everything and creates artificial Demand in the market. Mercury is in EVEN sign hence it will act as a retailer and procures material from the businessmen and supplies to the society.
