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Following is the chart of KCR who is the present CM of Telengana.

In the chart we find that Mesha lagna is rising and the lagnesh(Lagna lord) Mars is placed in the 8th house of Prarabdha karma. 8th is the house of secrecy and doing things which do not come to light. Such person are stubborn in nature and they do all acts in split of a second. They are very critical in nature and try to put down his opponents and here we find that Mars is placed in the star of Anuradha and lord being Saturn is exalted in the 7th house of relationships and market places. Saturn is a malefic planet and 7th is door to outside world hence native will be very cold as Saturn is aspecting his lagna by graha dristi.Note that Saturn is also the lord of the 10th house(karma bhava).

Planets which are placed in the Vrischika and Kumbha rasi will put native into troubles and one of them is Venus which is his Chara Putrakaraka. Here Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house also and here 7th is the 2nd child for the native. Venus is a female planet

5th is the first child which is Sun and 2nd child will be seen from 7th which whose lord is Saturn. Both these planets are placed in Kumbha rasi denoting that both the child will work or study abroad.

Now taking the sign Libra as the lagna of the 2nd child Kavita we see that the lagnesh Venus is in the 5th house along with 9th and 2th lord Mercury and also 8th lord Venus..Mars is aspecting her 5th house(poorvapunya) and also the 6th house(enemity and disease)...

Saturn when placed in the 1st house Libra denotes marana karaka bhava and Saturn is 4th and 5th lord hence these two houses are destroyed by Saturn and also note that Saturn is exalted denoting that the devata is angry on the nativre.There is a exchange of houses between Venus and Saturn hence when the period of Venus operates in the chart of the KCR the daughter will be in troubles,

The dasa operating for the native KCR is Rahu-Moon-Ketu and later is will Rahu-Moon-Venus from 16.4.2023 till 19.7.2023..

In the chart of KCR we find that from Moon Saturn is badly placed in the 4th house and Saturn is aspecting his Moon by 10th house driti and this is called as bad aspect and this also applies to Kavita.Both the individuals will be under severe stress due to this aspect of Saturn on the Moon.

From 11.02.2022 till 16.8.2023 a tough time for the KCR while for Kavitha tough time when Venus PD is going to operate as Venus will give the result of Saturn due to exchange of houses and tattwas(elements). The tattwa exchange is from Sattic to Tamasic.

In the Navamsa chakra with respect to Amsa rulers we find that the Maha dasa lord Rahu is connected to Manushyamsa denoting that during this period native will have fulfilled his desires as Rahu itself is the karaka for desire and being debiliated it has brought Raja Yoga for the native while the antar dasa is Moon is in Rakshamsa which makes native act like Rakshasa there by trying to grap everything which is not his...

Planet Rahu is vargottama which is the blessing of the devata and hence during the Maha dasa period of Rahu from 2006 till 2024 he will enjoy Raja yoga

During the year 2009 he contested from Mahabubnagar lok sabha elections and later on in the same year 2009 November he started his fight for seperate Telangana.

The time when he started his campaign for seperate telengana he was under Rahu-Satur-Saturn and here Saturn is sitting in its Moolatrikona on the Navamsa chakra and he went to the people of Telangana(Saturn) and won his fight against seperate State called TELENGANA.

On 2nd June 2014 Telangana state was formed and the time period was Ragu-Sat-Rahu hence we can see all the way Rahu and Saturn have played a very important role in his life

The age of CM KCR is 69 years as he recently celebrated his birthday on Feb 2023 and as per the BSP we find that his 9th bhava got activated where Rahu is already placed and in the transit we find the he is under Ashtama shani operating. THIS BRING DISGRACE TO HIM DUE TO PEOPLE AROUND HIM AND WILL EFFECT HIS CAREER AND PROFESSION. This shani transit will be for a period of 2 and half years

Rahu being in Pushkarmsa has given excellent results . He will face death like situations when Mars dasa periods operates as Mars is his 64th Navamsa which is equal to 8th house and also his Mercury is also in the 4th Navamsa from Moon and his Rudra is Venus hence the next period of Venus is also not good for him from health point of view..Note that Venus is in Badhaka sthana and also it is a maraca graha

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