In this article I would try and point out how the Rudramsa works and also what should be seen using this Varga chakra. We need to use Mandooka rasi in order to analyze this varga chakra
We all know that huge troops have been deployed into J&K and the territory is very tense as people are asked to move out due to security reasons. The intelligence points out to the fact that terrorists are planting IED(explosives) to disrupt everything in J&K and also target Amarnath yatris.
Rudramsa chart gives us a clue about the strifes and tribulations faced by any nation,state or territory. Lagna,10th and 8th house are usually seen for the calculation of longevity of a native and in the same way the same rule is applied for other charts also....Rudramsa dasa is also called as Mandooka dasa where in where ever the Mandooka(jumps) we can expect some tribulations to the native or the nation.This is the chart of J&K and we find that the present D-11 dasa period is of Libra-Cancer.
Mandooka dasa of D-11 (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction):
Li MD: 2012-10-26 (4:21:16) - 2019-10-26 (23:34:09)
Cn AD: 2019-03-24 (4:20:43) - 2019-10-26 (23:34:09)
Pratyantar Dashas in this AD:
Sc: 2019-03-24 (4:20:43) - 2019-04-10 (21:52:04)
Li: 2019-04-10 (21:52:04) - 2019-04-28 (19:50:43)
Vi: 2019-04-28 (19:50:43) - 2019-05-16 (21:40:35)
Le: 2019-05-16 (21:40:35) - 2019-06-04 (2:53:24)
Cn: 2019-06-04 (2:53:24) - 2019-06-22 (10:24:07)
Ge: 2019-06-22 (10:24:07) - 2019-07-10 (18:47:48)
Ta: 2019-07-10 (18:47:48) - 2019-07-29 (2:58:30)
Ar: 2019-07-29 (2:58:30) - 2019-08-16 (9:21:13)
Pi: 2019-08-16 (9:21:13) - 2019-09-03 (12:51:12)
Aq: 2019-09-03 (12:51:12) - 2019-09-21 (12:44:27)
Cp: 2019-09-21 (12:44:27) - 2019-10-09 (8:14:51)
Sg: 2019-10-09 (8:14:51) - 2019-10-26 (23:34:09)
From Libra Cancer is 10th which denotes issues which would be faced by the territory and here in this case it is J&K itself. You can see that the dasa time line is 24.3.2019 till 26.10.2019 ...The present situation is very tense at J&K as Military has been deployed in that area for peace....The PD of Pisces will be operating from 16.8.2019 till 03.09.2019 and we find that Rahu and Moon are placed in this sign which denotes that the enemies of the J&K or those who are creating unrest in J&K will be taken care off.
Just like Lagna,8th and 10th are not good for nation, the same way the dasa signs of 3,6,11 are not good for enemies....
Wait and Watch for the outcome.
