7th house and your spouse
One of the most popular topics related to Jyotish is about 7th house which is the house of relationships and marriage.
Jyotish has given us clue as to how we have to analyze the 7th house with a careful approach to this topic.
Before going to 7th house a focus has to be laid on the 6th house as this house is 12th from 7th. When 7th house is relationship the 12th from it which is 6th is end of relationship. 6th is the house of celibacy or what we call it as BRAMHA CHARYA(being a celibate)
Apart from this the other relevant houses is the image of the 12th house which is called as UPAPADA LAGNA and it is referred as UL(in short form)
6th house is celibacy while the 7th house is the end of the celibacy and getting into relationships hence 7th is the maraka(end) to the 6th house ensuring that the native gets into relationships whether it is a business partner or spouse.
Inspite of trying some native dont gets married and here we have see the 6th house and the strength of the lord of this house
Placement of the 6th lord is important as we can understand what makes the partners seperate.
In kendra(1,4,7,10) it is related to circumstance which will seperate the natives while in 5,9 it is an unconcious effort or praying to a diety and asking for seperation.The same goes to the 7th lord also.
Excessive or multiple relationships will be seen when the 7th lord is in the 10th house and also when the 7th and 10th lord are in conjunction and this can lead to seperation as no men or women would like to see their partner having multiple relationships even after marriage
7th lord and its karaka(Venus) is very important as it will help us to analyze how fast the native is getting into relationships. The distance between the 7th lord and Venus if it is in Kendra or Trikona(Trines) then native enters into relationships easily while if it is in 3/11 axis then effort is required and if it is 6/8 axis lots of difficulty is seen and the same goes with 2/12
Marriage delays can happen when the native does not wish to enter into relationships or marriage and this we have to see from the 7th house and here we have to consider the graha dristi and rasi dristi and if benefics are incluencing this house then it is good and not good when malefics are influencing.
Badhakesa and badhaka bhava has to be analyzed here and also we should see the Venus.
Various remedies have been prescribed to bring down the bad effect of these planets like donations to the temples, using mantras or arranging food donations or dancing for the gods.
Where we meet the spouse has to be seen in the 7th from Venus and the lord has to be checked for the direction of meeting the spouse,
If the 7th lord is placed in movable,dual or fixed then the native will meet his or her partner far away/few hours of distance or in the same place or very near to the native.
For example my 7th lord from Venus is Saturn and Saturn is placed in the dual sign and I meet my spouse which is just a 30 minutes distance from my house.I had two partners and 1) was far away from my house(it took me over night to meet my first partner) while the 2)was few minutes away as mentioned above.
Why I did not marry the 1st partner it because the first lord of the partner was Rahu and it was in Marana karaka bhava while the secondary planet Saturn was the one whom I got married.
UL gives us a clue as to how successful is the marriage and from what strata of society your spouse is going to come. Hence if the UL lord is exalted then it is high society and if it is debilitated then it is lower strata of society.
The state of the spouse has to be seen from Venus and 7th lord. If these are afflicted by malefics then the spouse will have some physical suffering and if this is seen in Navamsa then it is after marriage.
UL is the reflection of the 12th house and planets with the UL or aspecting the UL will tell us how many men or women are competing for marriage. A7 is the reflection of the 7th house and will give us a clue about the lagna of the boy or girl and if the A7 lord is with UL then marriage is with the person and the relationship breaks if we seen the 2nd from 7th which is 8th house.
Marriage only takes place if the UL is well placed or there are no malefic influences on the UL or the lord of the UL is not defeated in a planetary war or it is not placed in the 12th house
UL and its lord is very important to see whether the native wants to get married or not. If the UL lord is under curse then native will not marry due to shocks and if the lord is under curse then native will also would not like to get married till the curse is rectified.
The 7th lord from Venus should not be in retrograde motion as native finds difficulty in coming into touch with the spouse.
The success of the marriage depends on the Rasi and the Navamsa chakra and its final. If there is Venus in the 12th from the D-9 lagna then native will not marry at all.
If the 7th lord is badly placed in the D-9 then native suffers a lot due to his spouse and if the 7th lord is in the 6th house of the D-9 then native will suffer because of his sick spouse.
