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4th house-Cancer natural Zodiac

4th house:

Cancer is the natural 4th house of the zodiac and control the watery element. Moon is the natural lord of the 4th house and it also controls our emotions and our minds. The body part related to the 4h house is our chest and heart

Benefic planets in the 4th house will bring about natural healing for the native and this also applies for natural benefics aspecting the 4th house by graha drishti

Apart from Moon there are other karakas for the 4th house and these are:

Mercury:Primary education

Venus:Our vehicles and luxuries


Mars:Open lands

Jupiter:Our great grand parents

Apart from rasi chakra where 4th house,lord of the 4th house and the planets in the 4th house,arudha of the 4th house(A4) and planets mentioned above and their placement from arudha lagna has to be seen to understand what is 4th house doing to us.

Rasi chakra is the base chart and further to this the extended charts which needs to be considered are:

D-24:Education(4th for Primary education,6th for Secondary and 9th for higher educaiton)

D-12:For our relationships with our parents and grandparents and our Kula. 4th for mother and 9th for father, Jupiter is for gran-parents

D-16 For our vehicles and we need to see 4th house

Planets in the 4th house have a direct impact on our lagna.Hence good planets are welcomed and not malefics.

Moon being the natural 4th house lord if placed in the 4th house from lagna native is happy and maintains good relationships with mother but if a planet like saturn is with Moon or aspected by Saturn then it is not good as Saturn and Moon don't get along well (Read the story of Saturn and Parvati and birth of Ganesha)...

Mars in the 4th house is not good until and unless he is placed in his own house or exalted

Jupiter in the 4th house is a blessing for the native

Mercury in the 4th house is also good as native is blessing with skills of communication.

Venus in the 4th house ensures that the native is blessed with all luxuries in his life.

If Moon and Mars are in the 3rd house from the natal lagna be rest assured that the native will have legal issues with respect to lands and until and unless Moon stone is not advised native will not be happy at home front.

Saturn is never good in the 4th house as it would destroy the health of the native and also relationships with mother. In the same way Sun in the 4th house makes the native take responsibility from the early age.

Rahu in the 4th is extremely damaging for the native with respect to the significance of the 4th house. He may loose his mother until and unless Moon is very strong placed.

Ketu in the 4th house ensures that native is blessed with lands and properties

If the lord of the 4th house is placed in the 3rd house or 6th house the native will have a tendency to fight until and unless there is a benefic interference or a benefic planet is placed in the lagna.

4th house in upachaya is good if the 4th lord is Vargottama(same sign placement in rasi and Navamsa) and if the 4th lord is aspected by Trine lord.

Malefics should be debilitated in the 4th house and the 4th lord if placed in trines are good for the very significance of the 4th house.

Placement of the 4th lord from the 4th house also gives us a clue whether the native is blessed with properties or not.

In the below chart 4th house is Vrischika and the lord is Mars and Ketu in the 3rd house denoting that native mother is very strict and also this combination of these two planets are not good as it is Pisacha Badhaka.

Jupiter is aspecting the 4th house by 5th house graha drishti ensuring that native is blessed with a good and huge home.

A4 lord Mercury is well placed in the 10th from A4 also ensuring that native is taken by his mother but being with Sun the lagna lord native will have some ego issues, Sun and Mercury together even though denote Nipuna yoga for the native but his relationships with mother may be strained sometimes.

Saturn the chara Matrukaraka and being in the 8th from lagna denotes that native mother will be blessed with long life(Native mother lived till 82 years of her age and then passed away). Saturn is Ayush karaka.

4th lord Mars and ketu in the 12th from 4th house also denotes that native mother will treat the native as his enemy and also we find that A4 is in 6th from arudha lagna will give us the same clues...

Jupiter is exalted in the 12th house denotes that native grand parents would have been rich and later would have lost their property and in fact native grandmother was very rich and later lost property.

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