2nd house from Arudha lagna(AL2)
In the earlier article about Arudha lagna we have mentioned that 2nd house from arudha lagna(AL) which is the house of sustenance.
As per Sages it is told that if Venus,Mercury or Jupiter are placed in the 2nd from the Arudha lagna native is rich.
This is the chart of Bill Gates and there is nothing to talk about him as he is the richest person in the world with net worth of 10,160 Crores US Dollars.He is the Chairman of Microsoft and is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, and humanitarian.
His arudha lagna is in the Kanya rasi with an exalted Mercury and Mars with Venus,Neecha Sun and exalted Saturn(causing Neecha bhanga to Sun) in the 2nd house from Arudha lagna.Venus is nicely placed in its own sign giving him lot of money as it sustaining his arudha as Venus is a beneficial planet and here Saturn is also sustaining his arudha as it is exalted in the 2nd house.
Two important factors are taken into account here. Venus is the karaka for a good speaker and Saturn is the karaka for service and downtrodden people.
Sun is badly placed and it is not sustaining his arudha and native had issues with his competitors Sun Microsystems where he was sued for Infringement.Neecha Sun will also denotes issues from Government and Government related organizations.
Onm Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namaha|||
