10th house
In this article we will try and understand the 10th house.
This is the house of karma bhava and the karaka for this house is Saturn and the sign associated with this house is Capricorn. When we see the image of this sign we see that it resembles a horse with Horns.
The element associated with this sign is an EARTH and here EARTH element is also associated with negativity and the Sun transit this sign between Dec-Jan of every year.
Capricorn being the natural 10th house is also called as Swargamsa as Indra is the devata associated with this sign and it is one of the Kendras(Kendras are 1,4,7,10)
When Sun transits this house it is the start of the Sun beginning his journey in the southern direction and this is the time when Sun comes close to the earth and we call it as SUMMER and this transit ends the WINTER SEASON.
The 10th house deals with our accomplishments and how the native accomplishes his life either through hobbies or through his work and it will also gives a clue as to how native sustains his work.
We need to see the 10th from the following points:
4)Arudha lagna
10th from lagna will indicate which work the native is interested in doing
10th from Moon will indicate which work sustains for the native so that he can earn and live
10th from Sun will indicate which work will bring status to the native
10th from Arudha lagna will indicate how much will the native will be benefits in way of salary or perks
Amatyakaraka will indicate what experience does the native has to deal with at the work place
Planets like Saturn if during its transit has a graha on the 10th house and also conjunction of saturn in the 10th house from the lagna,Arudha lagna or the Moon.
This transit is called as Kankata shani and at this time native has to recite the RUDRAM CHAMAKAM 3RD ANUVAKA to deal with such situations.
Planets which are joining the lagna or Arudha lagna or having rasi drsiti on these two points will indicate the traits the native will identify himself with what profession he will enter
Other thing we have to see that if these grahas are also in trines to the Navamsa lagna then entering into such professions will help the native.
Varnada lagna(VL) and 11th from it will indicate what professoin is required to earn and also we have to see the lords.
Mars=Anything related to fire,fire arms,buildings,analysis,defense,Police
Ketu-Mathematician,working with small objects
Sun=Government, Astrologer,administrator
Venus=working with publishing houses
Mercury=Writer,mimicry artist
Saturn=service which involves working for poor,drainaiges,steel,bathroom related materials
Moon=Water,water resources,public connections,IAS

In this chart we find that the 10th house is Taurus and the lord is placed in the Lagna in his enemies sign Leo..
Venus denotes private sector and here in the sign of Leo denotes administration or working with activities related to money (Note that Venus is Lakshmi) or working for an entertainment industry
10th from Moon is Saturn and native was involved in a routine work for all the years he was employed
10th from Lagna is empty and we see that Saturn is aspecting the 3rd house by graha dristi while Rahu is also aspecting it by Graha dristi and finally we also see that Mars is also aspecting it by 8th house graha dristi. Hence there is a curse on the Karma bhava.
The Karana is Vishti and the lord is Saturn which is a malefic graha and native does not get enough of recognition in his work area and native has left the job when he was under the dasa periods of Saturn-Venus as both these planets are in 6/8 axis and more over we also know that 10th is heavily afflicted...Native left his job in the year 2013-2014 and never working since then.
Native VL is in the sign of Pisces and 11th from there is Capricorn and planets aspecting are
Jupiter and Mars and here we also find that Jupiter is in trines to Navamsa lagna hence the final profession of the native is Astrology or teacher. Native is an astrologer and he is learning and practicing astrologer for the last 23 years.
Note that Mars is in Vargottama which means that Mars is placed in the sign of Libra in rasi and Navamsa and in the rasi chakra Mars is with Ketu and with HL denoting that native earning will be from rents through his properties and not through Jyotish or astrology..