What is your Professio
In todays world unlike the earlier times there is lot of professions which have come into existence
For profession or business we have to see the 7th house, its lord and the planet placed in the 7th house and what houses the planet in the 7th house is owig
1st house is self
2nd house is money
6th house is restource
7th house is business
10th is our karma, name and fame
Here is a chart which is used to aalyze the profession of the native
Libra is rising and the lord is Venus in conjunction with Saturn in the 11th house. Venus is the lord of the 1st house and 8th house while Saturn is the lord of 4th and 5th house and these planets are in the 11th house of gains. Saturn+Venus are the planets of precsion so native must having some precision in the field of his work which is related to 4th house and self(lagna)
Saturn is in Uttaraphalguni whose lord is Sun while Venus is in Poorvaphalguni is in star o Venus
Here Saturn is chara Atmakaraka in the star of Sun deoting that from the soul point of view native would like to get into some of politics or service as Saturn is also connected to service
2nd lord is Mars with Moon forming Chandra Mangala Yoga and giving neecha bhanga to Moon..Moon is the lord of the 10th house in 2nd house and in the star of Anuradha whose lord is Saturn. Saturn here again is the lord of 4th and 5th house...4th is the place of the native birth while 5th is poorva punya
Saturn is aspecting its own sign Aquarius making it strong in the chart and the same time Venus is also aspecting Aquarius. Apart from that Mars is also aspecting Aquarius by4th house aspect. Most of the planets are in Uttarphalguni and Poorva Phalguni.
9th lord Mercury is in the 12th house with Ketu the 2nd lord and Sun the lord of the 12th house. Intially native will have not much of luck at home town as the dasa operating intially are Mrcury-Ketu-Venus-Sun and later Moon dasa is operating activating the 10th house and also activating Chandra Mangala Yoga..
The time line is 2012 and Moon will operate for 10 years and Moon is in Anuradha star ensuring that native lives in his mother land.The next dasa is that of Mars and here Mars is in the 2nd and lording 7th house. Mars is in Visakha nakshatra and the lord is Saturn placed in the sign of Leo (natural 5th house)Power and authority..with A8 denoting transormation and long life for the native and also in the houe of gains. But for Lira lagna Leo is badhaka sign. Hence issue in the work front(government)
In the Mars dasa native is under Jupiter dasa and Jupiter is again placed in the 5th house but retro which means Jupiter is looking at 4th house. Jupiter again is in Dhaistar star whose lord is Mars placed in the 2nd house.
So overall we see that native is doing service using power and authority.
In the chart of Luck which is D9 chart Mercury is operating and Mercury is the 9th lord of bhagya and foreign country in the natal chart and placed in the 9th house of the Navamsa chakra but retro and the antar dasa is Mars in the Navamsa chakra also making the native powerful in his own work.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah
