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Vimshottari Variation dasa and other dasa's Part-2 Series

In my earlier article I have mentioned as to what is Vimshottari dasa and how to calculate the dasa left over at the time of birth of the native depending on the Moon placed in a star...

Vimshottari dasa is considered as Param Ayush dasa as 120 years is represented by the 120 degrees of the zodiac based on the time space equation from Manu and Smrti. We are aware that 1 day of Devata life is equal to 1 Year of Human life. When we talk about about devata we talk about Sun who is our Pratyaksha devata(as we can see him during the day time and pray to him for our good life and longevity)and this Sun covers 1 degree in a day and in a month it covers 30 degrees which is equal to one calendar month. We are also aware that the seasons of the earth changes every 4 months which is equal to 120 degrees of the zodiac and also the 120 years of longevity of the human life.

There are 3 Brahman Nabhi's which corresponding to Aries,Leo and Sagittarius and these are 120 degrees apart.The navel represent the end or the beginning which is termed as Gandanta (Ganda and Anta). Hence the separation of these Nabhis by 120 degrees represent the 120 years of the native life.

You can follow the previous article using this link given below:

In this article I would stress upon some VD variations and other dasa's which has to be used apart from Vimshottari dasa. The remaining dasa's are applicable to the remaining 25% of the population.

Usually the order of the dasa depends on the birth chart and also depending on the placement of the Moon in any of the 27 Nakshatras. If for example is born is Ashwini star then the natives starting dasa will be that of Ketu and followed by other dasa in a sequence.

In has become a usual practice for all the astrologers to initiate the dasa depending on the Moon constellation but there are specific rules to determine the exact dasa applicable to the native

1)Lagna Nakshatra;The rising degree of the constellation connected to the rising lagna

2)Name Nakshatra:The constellation or the Pada indicated by the first letter as per the Pada in which the Moon is placed.

3)Prasna Nakshatra:The constellation occupied by the Moon at the time of query put by the native or at the time of examining a chart

4)Utpanna Nakshatra:The 5 star counted from the Moon star

Stronger of the Name Nakshatra and Prasna Nakshatra is used to determine the dasa operating at the time of the query

Stronger among the Lagna Nakshatra, Janma, Utpanna Nakshatra is used to determine the dasa for the natal horoscope reading.

If there is a confusion exist for the astrologer then determine the following whether the dasa should start from the Lagna or Janma.

a)Check for the planets in Kendra to Lagna and if there are many planets in Kendra to lagna then use the Lagna Nakshatra as the starting point for the dasa calculation

b)Check for the planets in Kendra to Moon and if there are many planets in Kendra to Moon then use the Janma Nakshatra to determine the dasa for the purpose of reading the horoscope

c)If still there is a confusion then take Janma Nakshatra as the dasa starting point

Tara dasa is applicable if there are 4 or more planets in Kendra to Lagna

Apart from this we have 3 Ayush dasa which are illustrated below:

1)Utpanna Tara Dasa which is 5th from the Moon star

2)Kshema Tara Dasa which is 4th from the Moon star

3)Adhana Tara Dasa which is 8th from the Moon star

The purpose of these dasa's are that it is mainly used to understand the longevity of the native. The ending dates of the above Tara Dasa with that of Vimshottari dasa should be determined in order to understand the bad periods of the native

Apart from Vimshottari dasa there are other dasa which are used for the purpose of correct analysis.

1)Ashtottari dasa-108 years.This is a conditional dasa and also a very popular dasa used in India after Vimshottari dasa

2)Kalachakra dasa:This is another popular dasa used by astrologers and here Kalachakra means WHEEL of time and this dasa unfolds the events in the life of the native, Kalachakra dasa is based on the 8 spokes (8 petals of Lotus) and all the 28 stars are distributed in these spokes

3)Yogini dasa:This is the same as Vimshottari dasa.There are total 8 Yogini and 27 Stars are assigned to these 8 Yoginis. The total longevity of this dasa of 36 years

4)Dwisaptati Sama Dasa:This dasa works on a principle where in the Lagna lord is placed in the 7th house or the 7th lord is placed in the Lagna. Only Planets are considered here leaving Ketu beside as Ketu is considered as Moksha Karaka.

5)Shatrimsamsa sama Dasa:This dasa works when the native is born in Sun hora during the day time and Moon hora during the night time...

6)Dwadasottari Dasa:This dasa is applicable to the native when the lagna is rising in Venus Amsa. Here when we refer to the Amsa then we should consider the D-9 lagna which should rise in the Taurus or Libra

7)Chaturaseeti Sama Dasa:This dasa is applicable when the 10th lord is in the 10th house..

8)Sataabdika Dasa:This dasa is applicable for those whose lagna is Vargottama. This means that the Rasi and D-9 lagna should be placed in the same sign in both the varga chakras.

9)Shodasottari Dasa:This is applicable when a persons lagna is in Moon hora in Krishna Paksha and in Sun Hora in Krishna Paksha. Note that Rahu does not come into picture in this dasa just like Ketu does not come into picture in Dwisaptati Sama Dasa.

10)Panchottari Dasa:This is applicable if the lagna of the Rasi and Dwadasamsa should be in Cancer sign

11)Shasti Hayani Dasa:This is applicable if the Sun is placed in the lagna

12)Saptarshi Nakshatra dasa: This is a very special dasa which was propagated by Shri Sanjay rath ji and this dasa is used to understand the trends of the world and its future.

In all the different dasa' used by most of the astrologers the mostly widely used are:






Vimshottari dasa is used to understand the mind of the native and his stand in the society

Narayana dasa is used to understand the actual circumstances the native is in at the time of dasa period operating.

Sudasa is used to understand the blessing of the Lakshmi on the native

Shoola dasa is used to understand the troubles the native faces in his life

Moola dasa is used to understand the past life karma of the native

All the above dasa are rasi dasa and VD is only the Nakshatra dasa where planet plays a very important role

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