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Trimsamsa chart D-30

The topic of discussion is Trimsamsa. It is the 1/30 decision of a sign.If we are dividing the 30 degree of a sign by 1/30 we get 1 degree each. In the Trimsamsa chart Sun and Moon do not have any roles as these are light giving luminaries and there is no place for darkness hence the other planets like Mars,Saturn,Rahu,Ketu,Venus,Mercury and Jupiter own the Trimsamsa. The 5 elements are the basis of the existence of living beings and also the universe. Hence Jupiter own Akasha tattva,Mars owns Agni,Mercury owns Prithvi,Venus owns Jala,Saturn owns Vayu.

All our senses and karmas are controlled by these 5 elements and depending on how these planets are placed in the D-30 we would be able to tell as to which is the killer planet.

The below table gives us more information about these 5 elements

Prithvi/Earth/Bhadra tithi/2,7,12/Wednesday

Jala/Water/Liquid/Rikta tithi/4,9,14/Friday

Agni/Fire/Energy/Nanda tithi/1,6,11/Tuesday and Sunday

Vayu/Air/Wind/Poorna tithi/5,10.15/Saturday

Akash/Space/Jaya tithi/3,8,13/Thursday

Treat the lagna rising in the D-30 in the same way as we read the other varga chakra. Lagna denotes self in any varga chakra be it D-1,D-9 or D-30. If the Trimsamsa lagna is badly placed in 6,8,12 or the if the 6,8,12 lords of the Trimsamsa is connected to the Trimsamsa lagna then depending on the tattva of the graha native will face issues in the life.

Saturn is the karaka for everything which delays and Rahu is the karaka for everything which is not visible and which is related to Maya.Hence in order to overcome such issues we need to worship Ganesha for the obstacles to be removed.

There are 6 types of shadripus due to which we face issues in our life and these are the karakas for our re-birth.8th is Bad debts and long term diseases where as 6th is the weakness and in order to overcome all these Guru should be strong as he is the karaka for the 5th house(Mantra). That is why in hindu religion Mantras are given so much importance. Mantra is such that it will cure us from any vices and takes us to the right path..

Jupiter is akash tattva which binds all the other grahas and ensures that they do not out of control and create havoc in our life.

Moon is the natural 4th house and 4th relates to happiness. Moon and Venus are Jala Tattva grahas which are directly connected to our immune system.Any afflictions to these two grahas tend to destroy our immune system leading to untold miseries in the form of bad health.We all know that Venus is considered as a planet which can bring any person from death and the mantra is that of MahaMrityunjaya and DIAMOND is the gem stone known to have such qualities to bring a person out of the death..

Laughter is the best medicine for a native to have a healthy life hence native should make it a habit to laugh as the karaka for this is Mercury.Venus is also the planet of fulfilling our desires.

Arudhas are very important to be checked in the D-30 varga chakra and here the arudha of the 6th house A6 gives us a clue as to what part of the body is afflicted due to the onslaught of the disease.

If Sun is afflicted then it will result in poverty and when Moon is afflicted then it is the body and mind which gets afflicted.The strength of both these are very important as it will help us in coping with the diseases.

In order to examine the D-30 chart the following to be considered.

1st,8th and 10th house lords are to be considered in order to just the longevity of the native

If the lagna lord is badly placed then during its periods the native will face health related issues associated with that planet and if any of these lords are exalted then native comes out of the disease during such periods..

Badhakesa has to be considered when timing the disease

In the below chart the natal lagna is rising in Kanya and the Trimsamsa lagna is in Vrisabha.Counting from Kanya to Vrisabha we get 9 signs hence the onslaught of disease is after the marriage as 9th is considered as dharma in the hindu religion. The other way to look is Jupiter is placed in the D-30 in Vrisabha lagna and it lords the 8th house the house of long term diseases and Nija dosha(Past life karma)..5th is the house of mantra and the lord is Mercury being placed in the 8th house and Saturn is placed in the 5th house not allowing the native to do Mantra thereby delaying the cure of the disease...Moon the natural karaka for healing is placed in the 10th house which is the house of career and the native contracted disease when working. The same Moon is badly placed in the 8th house in the rasi chakra in the Mesha rasi..

Jupiter is the badhakesa in the rasi chakra and connected to Trimsamsa lagna also denoting that the disease will trigger after the marriage or the spouse coming into the native life(7th house is the house of husband for the female chart and Venus for the male chart)

Jupiter is in Marana karaka sthana in the rasi chakra as it is lording 4th house(sukha and natural healing) and also 7th house(house of spouse) thereby destroying these two houses lorded by Jupiter.

Moon-Jupiter is the dasa period where the disease got triggered. Jupiter here is the akash tattwa graha being in MKS denoting that there is no Cure for the disease...Native is suffering from AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE where blood is contaminated..

Now the dasa of Rahu is operating in the native chart and here in the rasi chakra we find that it is the lord of the 6th house(disease) and placed in the 5th house negating the disease and bringing out some cure to the native. Now the native is cured 80%. Rahu is a very diabolic planet which is very bad in any chart and in MKS in the D-30 varga chakra...

A6 in the rasi chart is in Sagittarius which is the 4th house from the natal rasi lagna and here 4th is connected to heart and lungs,Native has severe lung related issues which is hampering her to breath properly


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