Tithi Pravesha chakra for India 2023-2024
India got independence in the year 15th August 1947 and the lagna rising was that of Taurus.The present Tithi Pravesha chakra for the year 2023-2024 the lagna rising was that of Virgo(Kanya) and the placement of this lagna with respect to the natal chart is that of 5/9 axis which is considered good for the country for development.
The lagna of Taurus is Venus while the lagna of the Tithi pravesha is Mercury and the placement of these two planets in the chart of TPC is 2/12 axis which is not good as it will be relating to sustenance and over losses the country has to go through in various aspects.
The lagnesh of the TPC(here in will be called for Tithi Pravesha chakra) is Mercury and it is placed in the 12th house of losses and with the 3rd and 8th lord. Here we find that there will lot of transformation happening for the country with respect to internal disturbances as Mars being the lord of the 3rd house(interal) and 8th house lord(transformation) in the 12th house of losses. Note that Mars in the tithi pravesha chakra is chara Atma karaka and being in the 12th house is never good as there will be lot of pain in the area associated with Sun(natural th house) and here it will be governments and politics and people associated with politics.
Again the 10th lord is in the 12th house which again is not good for the overall good about the country as Mercury and Mars will give the resul of Saturn and here we know that Saturn is the karaka for the 12th house..Note that Karaka is well placed in the 6th house of enemity and disease and hence these factors will be taken care by the Saturn being placed in its moolatrikona in the Aquarius sign.
The vedic day at the time of TPC is Moon and it is well placed in its own sign Cancer hence the country at large will fulfil its desires and also we find that Venus being the lord of the 2nd house(sustenance) and 9th house(baghya) is also well placed in the 11th house but being retrograde will tell us that these two areas will under constant pressure
Tithi Lord being Jupiter and also the lord of the 4th and 7th house is badly placed in the 8th house with the 5th lord Rahu denotes that religion will used as a tool to bring about some disturbance to the peace of the country.
Post October Jupiter is moving to Taurus which is good for the nation as it will transiting the natal lagna Taurus bringing the blessing to the country and here Taurus being the natural 2nd house of sustenance it will be good for the country.
In the present TPC chakra we find that Rahu dasais operating from 14.8.2023 till 23.9.2023 and this Rahu is in the 8th house of transformation along with 7th lord of partners and opposition creating a yoga termed as GURU CHANDAL YOGA. Note Jupiter in 8th house is never good as it is termed as ASURA YOGA.
In the maha dasaa of Rahu the antar dasa of Jupiter is also operting hence till 19.09.2023 there will be lot of confusion arising due to the placement of Jupiter in the 8th house and here it is placed in Aries denotes that people will fight among themselves and killing of animals will be there and loss of life. Jupiter is also the karaka for Jeeva.
There after that Venus dasa will operate from 23.09.2023 till 30.11.2023 and this being in the 11th house is good for the fulfilment of desires.
In the TPC chart we find that Aries,Leo is having malefic planets hence the fall of dharma can be seen...while the 2nd and 6th house being the house of artha trikona we find that Ketu and Saturn and here 6th is strong as he is the karaka for the 6th house also apart from 8th and 12th and 6th denotes resources and servie..
This TPC will be active till August 15th 2024 and at that time we can prepare a new chart to check what is the outcome after 2024.
In the Navamsa chart we find that thr 10th lord of Natal chart Mercury is well placed in the 4th house of Navamsa chakra stating that the government will work towards the goal of the country
The country will try and reach out to lot of foreign countries after 23.09.2023 as there is a exchange of planets between rahu and Venus in the Navama chakra as Navamsa is called as BAGHYAMSA.
Here we find that 6th house is very powerful hence country will take loans for the developmet of the country and the nakshatra lord of Saturn is Satabisha and the lord being Rahu in 8th denotes transformation of the country with respect to infrastructure.
We find that 3rd house is the house of our sibbling and here for India our sibbling is Pakistan and we find that Mandi and gulika two malefics are rising here in Scorpio denotes that Pakistan will face lot of issues ups and downs in their country
