Tithi Pravesha chakra(birthday)
In this chart I would stress upon preparing TPC from the birth day of the native and the RPC will be active for the next 12 months which means if the birth day of the native is 07.06.2024 then the TPC will be active till 07.06.2025 which is a 12 month period
And in this TPC we analyze the following points
1)The day lord of the TPC (Venus)
2)The star lord of the TPC (Moon)
3)Tithi lord of the TPC(Venus)
4)The distance between the natal lagna and the TPC lagna(5/9 axis)
5)Any good or bad yoga that gets activiated in 12 month period(Moon-Mercury yoga)

Chart is rising with Dhanus lagna and the natal lagna of the native is Leo hence the distance between these two lagnas are 5/9 which are called as Trikonas. The lord of the Lagna is Jupiter and it is placed with Rahu in the 5th house along with BB(Brigha Bindu) and GL(power) in the malefic sign Aries which is related to agression.A7 and A9 are the arudhas relating to relationships,business and Luck,father,higher education and investments are also rising with these two planets. The comboniation of the Rahu and Jupiter is called as Guru Chandal Yoga and being placed in the 5th house of children and mantra gives us a clue that native may face difficulties in these areas of life connected to 5th house. There is a graha yudha(fight between the planets) and we need to see who is going to emerge as Victorious. Rahu is always retrograde and Jupiter is in 12 degrees which Rahu is in 7 degtee and when deducated from 30 degrees we get 23 degrees hence Rahu is victorious.. Rahu here in the chart of the TPC is chara Atmakaraka denoting the soul and in the star of Aswhini whose lord is Kdtu. Rahu will also give the result of Ketu...Ketu is in the 11th house of fultilment of desires.
Sun is in 1 degree which is not good as it is akin to Sankranti dosha. Sun owns the 9th house of father and luck and also it is the dispositor of Arudha lagna. Sun also denotes government and politics.(th house is also the houe of higher education and investments. Native should not invest his money in any foreign companies as chances are there that native may loose his money
Sun is very weak in the chart which also denotes that native should take care of his health. Sun is the natural karaka for health
The day lord is Venus also badly placed in the chart in the 8th house being the lord of the 6th house in the 8th house of short ad long term diseases. Here there is a yoga activating which is Vipareeta Raja Yoga...
The Nakshatra rising is Moon exalted in the 6th house of resources along with Mercury forming Moon-Mercury yoga denoting that a yoga is forming with respect to the native getting a chance to work in medical field as an helper or an assistant (need to watch out for the yoga to get activated)
The Saturn is well placed in the 3rd house of its Moolatrikona and it is in the 7th from the arudha lagna. This is a good plaement for the native as western direction will do good if the native changes his place orresidence.
The dasa operating right now is Venus and it is the lord of the 6th house in the sign of cancer in the 8th house denoting VRY. Venus denotes women. INCIDENTALLY NATIVE HAS COME IN CONTACT WITH A WOMEN WHO IS VERY POWERFUL AND HELPING THE NATIVE TO RESOLVE SOME ISSUES