Tithi Pravesha chakra analysis(2000)
In this article I would be writing on the TPC(tithi pravesha chakra) where in I have faced some drastic changes and disturbances in the year 2000. This was the time when I was working and there was sudden news which disturbed me. The analysis is based on the chat using TPC and the planets which are responsible for such disturbance and changes in my life

The chart is rising with Meen lagna and Lagna lord is with Saturn(debilitated) which denotes some sorrow during the year 2000...
It was around midnight of Feb 18 2000 when my mother called my sister and informed that my father was no more and has breathed his last in a hospital. In fact my father was in the hospital for 10 days and later he passed away. He had a massive heart attack and it was cardio respiratory failure.
1)My 9th lord is Ketu and Mars and here Ketu is aspected by Saturn (10th house aspect) and Rahu(7th house aspect) and Mars by (4th house aspect) and note that 3 malefics are aspecting my 9th lord Ketu and here the secondary lord Mars is also badly placed in the 12th from 9th. Here 12th denotes exit from the world..
We also find that Saturn and Jupiter are also aspecting my 9th lord and Mars is also the maraka(death giving) lord as he owns 2nd and 7th house.
Second is that the natural karaka for father is Sun and it is in the 4th house with Moon forming Amavasya dosa. Note that my father passed away just one day before this Amavsya.
Third the natural karaka is Sun for father and it is in the 8th house from 9th house(here 9th house is Scorpio)
Mars the chara Pitrukaraka(significator for father in the TPC) is in the star of Seati whose lord is Rahu and Rahu is in the sign of Cancer. Here the body parts associated with cancer is lungs and heart. Rahu denotes sudden death due to the heart failure
The day when my father left this world was Feb 18th 2000 and the dasa operating was Jupiter and Rahu.
Saturn is with Jupiter during the TPC and in the sign of Mars(Aries). Saturn denotes pain and Jupiter denotes peaceful death. Father died when he was on bed in a hospital.
Mercury the dispositor of A9 is with Rahu in the sign of Cancer giving me a clue as to how he passed away.
So using the tithi pravesha chakra we can find out what is going on with us during the 12 month period when every time a birth day starts. TPC is applicable for only 12 months.
Sun the natural karaka for soul is in the 4th house in Gemini with A8 giving us a clue to about major transformation happening to the soul during the period 2000-2001
When we are preparing TPC the following needs to be checked
1)Whether there are any yogas in the chart operating( In this case there is a yoga which is simhasana yoga wherein 10th lord is in the 2nd house)
2)Whether there are any curses(there is a curse on my 11th house which is house of income and desires and also it was my 9th lord relating to father)
3)Need to Vara lor(the day lord rising in the TPC) Sunday was the vara lord in the 4th house of happiness forming Amavasya dosha
4)Need to analyze the star lord in the TPC(Mars was the star lord and placed in the 8th house of transformation)
5)Need to analyze the Tithi lord to check relationships(It was krishna chaturdasi whose lord is Venus in the sign of Leo and 3rd lord in 6th house forming Vipareeta raja yoga)