Soonya examples
This is the chart of the Chair person Smt Sonia Gandhi and we find that she is born in Ardra

Nakshatra and the soonya falls in Saggitarius. Planet Mars is placed here and here her Mars is Chara Dara Karaka the signficator of Spouse. We know that as the Soonya got activated when her Spouse Shri Rajiv Gandhi was killed...The dispositor of the soonya rasi is Jupiter and it is placed in the 4th house of her sukha there by snatching her happiness with respect to her spouse.. There is another soonya which operates from the Sun which is called as Masa Soonya nd this we have to see from the placement of her Sun in the chart. Sun is placed in Vrischika rasi and the star which shows Soonya are Citra and Visakha...Lord of Chitra is Mars again signifying the spouse and Lord of Visakha is Jupiter which is the dispositor of Saggitarius and placed in the 4th house of sukha..
The next example is the chart of a Ex President of USA Bill Clinton.

He was born in the star of Bharani and the soonya falls in Aquarius and there is no planet in the sign but A10 is rising and the lord is placed in the sign of Taurus which is 11th from his natal lagna and also his badhakasthana(obstacle creating planet). Rahu is the sign of Venus which denotes that women will be an obstacle creator...11th also denotes friends whom he is acquainted with and we know what happened to him when he was president of US...Not only this his AK Moon is in Aries and if we see the soonya we find that Citra and Swati are the star associated. Chitra lord is Mars and and Swati lord is Rahu. If we see both these planets in the chart we find that they are lord of the 5th house subordinates and Rahu is the lord of the 8th lord in the 11th house carrying the burden of his past life deeds to Taurus sign(Venus is the lord of this women who represent women)Venus is with 4th with 5th lord Mars in the 3rd house showing some scandal...Jupiter in Chitra star will not be able to help him as it is also placed in the soonya star. Rest history we are all aware of it.
The next example is that of Mahatma Gandhi father of the Nation

In the chart of MG we find that he is born in the star of Aslesha does not carry any soonya but if we see his AK it is Jupiter placed in the sign of Aries. Taking this as the Karaka lagna we find that Aries has the soonya star of Citra and Svati...Citra lord is Mars and Svati lord is Rahu. Rahu is with Moon in the 10th house denoting that how he manipulated his position and Rahu is lord of the 5th house of intelligence. 10th is his profession and career. Mars is with lagna along with 8th lord Venus(Women) and 9th and 12th lord Mercury(teenagers)...As all these planets are in the lagna it denotes the intelligence of MG and how he would have used women and teenagers. Mars and Venus are not afflicted as they are in the star of Jupiter and also it is his desire to have women in his life. But these women turned him down about his desires. But Rahu is with Moon with the arudha lagna thereby bringing down his image. The lagna of the Nehru was that of Cancer...
The next example is that of a native who lost his wife

The native is born in the star of Mrigasira which has no soonya but the AK is Gemini rasi and the star associated are U.Phalguni and Dhanista.. Lord of the U.Phalguni is Sun and it is also the lord of the lagna(intelligence). Sun is placed in the 11th house of finances and friends and native has very little friends and also he has friends who are in the high socieity and they do not help him in times of need. 11th also denotes elder sibblings and he has only One elder sibbling..Mars is his Chara Dara Karaka with Ketu creating a Pisacha badhaka and he is also the lord of 4th house(mother) and he also lost his mother..Native has lost his job 8 years back and he is not able to work since then. Note that Sun is chara Amatyakaraka.
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||