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Solar Eclipse 2019 July 2nd

On July 2nd 2019 there was a total Solar Eclipse originating at New Zealand,Chile and Argentina and these countries will come under the direct impact of this eclipse.The time when the eclipse will start is 12:55 PM EDT and the local time will be 10:25 PM. I created a chart as per the local time and enclosed the chart.

As per the eclipse theory it depends where it originates and whether it is visible or not. Like during the present eclipse we found that it was visible in Chile,Argentina but was not visible as it was night time. But that does not mean its impact is not there for people living in India.The impact of this eclipse is seen depending in which rasi the eclipse is occurring and in which Nakshatra and what planets are conjoining this eclipse and what is the effect of such conjunction.

Already we are seeing the California has been hit by a massive earthquake.The links are given below:

In the chart of USA we find that Mars,Jupiter,Venus,Sun are all in Gemini where the eclipse has occurred and Venus and Jupiter are in Ardra Nakshtra hence the impact of it can be seen in some parts of USA.

Eclipse is that when Moon comes in between Sun and Earth and depending on other factors the eclipse can be partial or total eclipse. In the partial eclipse we find that Sun is covered partially and in total eclipse Sun is total blinded by the Moon and we find a very big dark disk which blackens out the Sun creating a night effect.

The path of the eclipse will determine which countries,states or territories will get impacted more and here in the eclipse of July 2nd 2019 it will be New Zealand,Chile,Argentina as these countries where in the direct site of the eclipse and Rahu and Sun(Rahu eclipses the Sun which is called as Surya Grahana) and this combination is occurring in the sign of Gemini which controls the West direction.Germini is a dual sign hence it also controls the North west direction, New Zealand is in South East, Chile is in South West along with Argentina.

Eclipses can be of more serious nature depending on the type of eclipse.There are different types of eclipses which are as follows:

1)Partial eclipse:Moon crosses the path of the sun but does not block it totally.When you see this sort of eclipse you will see that it is like bite

2)Annular eclipse:The word Annular eclipse comes from the Annulus(which means ring) and here we find that the Moon completely blocks the sun and form a ring and it leaves the edges of the earth and we see rays emitting from the sun.

3)Total eclipse:When Moon covers the Sun totally this eclipse is formed.Moon is very small compared to Sun and when the orbit of the Moon is very close to Earth we find such eclipses happening and a stunning outer layer of the Sun can be seen.

The eclipse which occured on July 2nd 2019 it was a total Solar eclipse and the Annular eclipse will occur in India on Dec 26 2019.

Point to be seen during the Eclipse time:

1)Constellation of the Sun and Moon when the eclipse is occurring

2)Lagna at the time of Eclipse

3)Jupiter transit at the time of eclipse

Depending on which eclipse is occurring first we can understand the impact of the eclipse. For instance if the Lunar eclipse is coming first then it is bad otherwise it is good.

This is the Solar eclipse which is occuring in the Month of July 2nd 2019 followed by Lunar Eclipse which is occurring on July 16 2019 hence this Solar eclipse is good at those places it is occuring..

Whom does the eclipse effect:

Irrespective where the eclipse is occurring the effect is seen depending on which sign the eclipse is occurring as this has to be taken as point of Reference.

If the nakshatra in which the eclipse is also connected to the nakshatra of the Sun,Moon,Lagna,Lagnesha and the Arudha lagna then it is applied for individuals .

The eclipse of July 2nd 2019 is occuring at 16 Degrees 25 Minutes in Gemini..If Sun and Lagna Lord is placed before the eclipse point(16d25M) then the effect will be prior to the eclipse date otherwise it will be after the eclipse date.

Finally we need to see where are the Sun and Moon placed and in what Nakshatras.

Here I will try give my chart example and understand the impact of this eclipse on me

In this chart we find that Sun and Moon are in Gemini in the star of Punarvasu and Mrigasira...Leo lagna is rising and the eclipse is occurring in the axis of 5/11.Here 5th denotes children,intelligence,Poorvapunya and 11th denotes desire,gains,friends.The degree of the Natal Moon is at 1dGe29' and the eclipse degree was at 16d25M which means the eclipse occured Hence the effect of this eclipse will be seen after 6 Months...Jupiter at the time eclipse is transiting the 4th Bhava related to house,assets and house matters hence the matter related to home the native may see a major change. The lagna at the time of eclipse was rising in Kumbha rasi and from the natal lagna it is the 7th house hence the direction of the native will be that of Kumbha rasi and related to A5 and also related to opposite people,spouse and also related to children,change,mantras,intelligence.

Note:Usually the impact of eclipse lasts for 18 years as it corresponds to the Rahu Dasa which is 18 years...

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