Salman Khan Bollywood actor
This is the chart of Salman Khan a famous Bollywood actor who has numerous hits in his acting career and also infamous in many incidents and very recently he has been given big security due to some threats being issued on him by a ganster
The chart analysis is purely based on my little knowledge on Jyotish
Date of birth of Salman khan is 27 Dec 1965 hence his driver number is 9 represented by Mars and his destiny numbers is 6 represented by Venus and here Mars is the planet of agression and boldness while Venus is the planet of relationships and partnerships. Mars is a agni tattwa graha while Venus is a Jala tattwa grahas hence these two planets are inimical in nature and not get along well.
The lagna rising is Mesha lagna(Aries) and the lagnesh Mars is placed in the 10th house of career and profession in a state of exaltation and in the star of Uttara shada and it is situated in the signs of Saggitarius and Capricorn. Uttara shadha is a human sign hence such natives are more attracted towards materialistic luxurious life.
When the lagnesh is placed in the 10th house such natives are hardworking and build their own fortune due to the sheer strength of the planet Mars which is exalted. It is also with Venus the lord of the 2nd and 7th house and forming a dharma yoga through profession. Usually we find that for actors Mars and Venus are closely conjunct and placed in the house of capricorn the natural 10th house as Venus is all about entertainment and Mars is also about energy.
Here we also find that Rahu is his chara amatyakaraka being placed in the 2nd house of money and bank balance but here for the lagna rising it is badhakesa in the 2nd house of money and family life...This Rahu is placed in the star of Kritika the lord of the 5th house(poorvapunya) and is placed in the 9th house of badhya representing the luck through his father Saleem Khan...Salim Abul rashid khan is a writer by profession ...Luck for Salman khan is through his father or fatherly person as it is placed in the 9th house of baghya or luck with Sree lagna a money point or blessings of lakshmi
The 9th lord Jupiter being the dispositor of the baghya bhava is in the 3rd house in Gemini in a dark sign and retrograde. Retro Jupiter is like a curse who never listens to anybody. It is with UL the marriage point and here we can say Jupiter is in Marana Karaka bhava hence destroying the 9th and 12th house.
It was in the year 1988 and in the Jupiter Maha dasa Salman khan started his acting career in a secondary year and later in the year 1989 he acted in the movie Maine Pyar kiya which became block buster hit and since then he never looked back and he is ruiling the bollywood industry.
1988-1993 he was considered as a star hero in Bollywood and he made debut and was rocking in the movies..The dasa operating was that of Saturn in the year 1988 October till 1991 May and then 1991-1993 it was Mercury antar dasa where Mercury is the 3rd and 6th lord and these are considered as Upachaya lords(house of growth) but Mercury is his chara atmakaraka placed in the 8th house which is not good from the atma perspective and here being placed in the 8th house has given him lots of failures and obesssions in his life
1992 was a disastrous period for him as all his movies where flops and later in the year 1994 he also saw some flops in his life.
From the year 1994 we find that he was under Venus antar dasa and the lord is placed in the 10th house of reputation and success
In the year 2002 Oct he was implicated in the hit and run case and he was charged with Murder the dasa period was Saturn-Saturn as the Arudha lagna lord Moon and Saturn are placed in the 8th from the Arudha lagna. AL is all about the image the native carries and Moon cannot be placed in the 8th from the Arudha lagna
In the year 2015 December Salman Khan was acquitted of all the murder charges and the dasa was that of Mars. Lagnesh in th 10th house very strog placement
In the recent years he also got into another issue where a ganster was attempting to kill him due to the older case of Black buck hunting. Here Jupiter represents the Jiva or the living beings and Sun represents the birds..The dispositor of the Sun is Jupiter in the 3rd house of Marana karaka hence destroying the 9th house of dharma and moral values
He is being threatened by a ganster and an attempt was being made on his life by firing bullets at his residence
Khan is famouse for his derogatory remarks about his co-stars and he has a bad relatioships with his co-star Rai.
Present dasa is that of Carpricorn and here we find that Mars and Venus are placed A6 and A7 is rising denotin some sort of enemity rising. Mars is exalted here and also Mars is his rudra being the lord of the 8th house from his natal lagna
Now the dasa period is that of Mercury-Ketu from 29.01.2024 till 2.01.2025 and the antar dasa lord Ketu is badly placed in the 12th house of his Navamsa chakra
Salman khan is now 58 years old and the 57 years comes to Libra and 58 comes to Scorpio where his Atmakaraka is placed with Ketu...Hence the year 58 and 60 are not a good years for him and needs to be careful with respect to his health and overall life.