Rajinikanth Legend and Actor
In this article we will discuss about the chart of a legend who has worked in movies in India and considered as a great actor for the past 3 decades. He is none other than Shivaji Rao Gaikwad (named changed to Rajinikanth).
Rajinikanth (born 12 December 1950 as Shivaji Rao Gaekwad) is an Indian actor who works primarily in Tamil cinema. He began acting in plays while working in the Bangalore Transport Service as a bus conductor. In 1973, he joined the Madras Film Institute to pursue a diploma in acting. Following his debut in K. Balachander's 1975 Tamil drama Apoorva Raagangal, his acting career commenced with a brief phase of portraying antagonistic characters in Tamil films.
The chart is rising with Simha lagna and the Lagnesh Surya is placed in the 4th house in Vrischika rasi. Sun is not a Krura graha but a papa graha. Sun is the king and the government and 4th house is the house of Primary education and Shivajirao has completed his schooling in a Government Model school. Sun is placed in the sign of Mars and this shows the natives interest in sports like Cricket,Football and Basketball.
Sun is also his chara Amatyakaraka and this also denotes the native working a bus conductor in Bangalore State road transportation.Rahu being his chara Atmakaraka denotes that native will not succeed in his home and this was true as Rajinikanth became successful when he changed his place from Bangalore to Chennai(Tamil Movie Industry)
Ketu and Saturn is placed in the 2nd house the house of extended family and finances and assets. These two planets when placed in the 2nd house are not good for the flow of finances as Jupiter is the karaka of his house and placed in the 7th house from Natal lagna Leo and also in the sign of Kumbha...There is a graha Parivartana between Rahu and Jupiter. Jupiter gives the results of Rahu and Rahu gives the result of Guru.
Rahu is aspecting the 2nd house also denotes sudden ups and downs of the finances of the native as Rahu is the dire enemy of Jupiter.
There is yoga which is operating in the 5th house(house of lakshmi) and here we find that Venus the lord of the 3rd and 10th and Mercury the lord of the 2nd and 11th house.This yoga is a yoga for huge finances..Rajinikanth is highest paid actor in the movie industry.
In the Navamsa we find that Mercury is exalted in the Kanya D-9 lagna which is a huge blessings for the native as Kanya denotes an area of commercial activity and Mercury is the planet of communication and voice.
Wherever AK is placed it is considered as the king of the chart and here we find that Rahu is placed in the sign of Meena rasi which is the sign of Vishnu and natural 12th house..
During the years 1978-1989 Rajinikanth has 20 releases in various languages and which are considered as hits. The dasa operating at that time was Saturn Mahadasha from 1962-1981 with the antardasa period of Jupiter from 1978-1981 and here we find that Jupiter is the lord of the 5th(lakshmi bhava and Poorvapunya) and placed in the 7th house(vishnu bhava and Kendra). 7th house is considered to the door to the outside world. Jupiter gave the result of Rahu and hence we should note that Rahu will be the planet to kickstart his career.
In the D-10 chart we find that Rahu is placed in the 10th house of career and profession...
Venus and Mercury are placed in the 2nd house from arudha lagna. 2nd house from Arudha lagna is the house of sustenance and both these planets are Rajasic grahas. Venus is the planet which controls markets and Mercury is the planet which controls business men and corporate houses.This combination is good as it is also in 5th from lagna...
From the year 1990-2001 he established himself as a commercial entertainer where most of his film where released and where successful enough to generate money..The dasa periods operating were Ketu and Mercury, Ketu in 2nd house(31 points in BAV) and Mercury being the lord of the 2nd and 11th in 5th house(24 points in BAV).
15th August 2002 Baba released in India with much hype but did not create much of market expectation and was considered as huge loss. The dasa period is that of Ketu and Jupiter
Here as said earlier Jupiter has given the result of Rahu and Jupiter is placed in the natural badhaka sthana which is Kumbha. As said earlier Jupiter is the karaka for money and gains..Ketu and Jupiter as in 6/8 axis...
14th April 2005 Chandramukhi released in India and it was a blockbuster which created huge financial flows for the actor himself and also the producers and directors. The dasa period is that of Venus-Venus and here Venus is the lord of the 10th house and also placed in the 2nd from Arudha lagna..
The next movie was that of Robo which was a big hit in Indian cinema and this movie was released in the year 1st Oct 2010. The dasa period is that of Venus and Moon which made a money worth 2.9 billion.Moon is exalted in the 9th house in the D-9 varga chakra..D-9 is the varga chakra related to luck(Bhagya)
The latest movie which was released was Kala on 7th June 2018 and the dasa period is that of Venus and Saturn...Saturn is placed in the 2nd house and note that for Leo dasa these two periods of Venus and Saturn do not do well for the native.The budget of the movie was 140 Cr and grossed between 150-159 Cr which was a meagre margin compared to the stardom of the actor. It was also rumoured that distributors have had losses to the tune of 40 Cr.
He tried to enter into Politics but was not much successful and planning to make it big in the year 2021 elections..Now the period of Venus-Saturn is not conducive and the later antardasa period of Mercury operating from 15th April 2021 looks promising as it is placed in the 5th house of power and authority and also Mercury is lord of the 2nd and 11th house...