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Pushkara Navamsa

In this article let us discuss and understand what is is Pushkara Navamsa and how does it effect your life.

Pushkar Navamsa is a special degree in each of the 12 signs which is used to analyze the auspicious effects.

The sloka is as follows:

Ekavimsho which is 21 degrees

Manushyauva which is 14 degrees

Janasha which is 24 degrees

Munya which is 7 degrees

Kramat which denotes IN ORDER

This means that the degrees 21,14,24,7,21,14,24,7,21,14,24,7 covering all signs starting from Aries are called Pushkaramsa or Pushkarabagha.

Further sloka is as follows:

Mesha,Simhachapeshu saptamanamau

Mesha,Simha and Dhanus then take the 7 Navamsa which is Thula from 20degrees to 23degrees20s and Dhanus signs then the 9th Navamsa from 26d40s to 30d

Vrisha,Kanya,Mrigashu Paschamatritiyo

Vrisabha,Kanya then take the 3rd Navamsa from 6d40s to 10d

and Makara sign then take the 5th Navamsa -Vrisabha ie from 13d20s til 16d40s

Mithuna,Tula,Kumbha shashta-Ashtamaashto

Mithua,Tula then take the 6th Navamsa Meena from 1d40s til 20d00s and for Kumbha then take the 8th Navamsa Vrisabha from 23d20s tol 26d40s

and finally


Karka,Vrischika and Meena then take 1st Navamsa Kataka from 00d to 3d20s and take the 3rd Navamsa Kanya from d40s to 10d00s

Rider:The planets falling in these signs of Navamsa will not be considered as Pushkara Navamsa and these are 6 signs are Mesha/Mithuna/Simha/Vrischika/Makara/Kumbh

Only 24 Navamsa out of 108 Navamsa are to be considered as PUSHKARA NAVAMSA

Planets placed in the Pushakara Navamsa does not necessarily mean that it will only good results but also capable of giving bad results but with subtleness.

How to check Pushkara Navamsa using an example chart:

The first degree of 1st Navamsa is 0-3d20w while the 2nd degree of the 2nd Navamsa is 3d20-6d40s and so on till we get 30 degrees and completing all the 9 Navamsa.

If the planet is in a fiery sign then Pushkar Navamsa falls in the 7th and 9th Navamsa

If the planet is in a Earthy sign then Pushkar Navamsa falls in the 3rd and 5th Navamsa

If the planet is in a Airy sign then Pushkar Navamsa falls in the 6th and 8th Navamsa

If the planet is in a Watery sign then Pushkar Navamsa falls in the 1st and 3rd Navamsa

Let us take an example of each and every planet and see whether the planets falls in the Pushkar Navamsa

Lagna is in 13d06s in the sign of Leo which is Fiery sign and as per this we find that the lagna is falling in 5th Navamsa as the degree of this 5th Navamsa is 13d20s to 16d40s but here the 5th Navamsa is that of Earthy sign hence the lagna does not fall under Pushkar Navamsa

Rahu is 10d4s in the sign of Aries and again it is a fiery sign and the degree of Rahu comes to 4th Navamsa and does not fall under the category of Pushkara Navamsa

Mercury is in 25d16s in the Mithuna rasi and this rasi is of Airy sign and as per the table the Mercury is in the 8th Navamsa as per the degree hence the Mercury falls in the Pushkara Navamsa and when the period of Mercury gets activated then the planet will give good results.

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