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Punarvasu starts from 20degress00 and ends at 3degress20seconds in Cancer and in the Navamsa chakra the first Pada starts at Saggtarius, 2nd Pada starts at Capricorn,3rd Pada at Aquarius and the 4th pada ends at Pisces

The ruiling plant of Punarvasu is Jupiter and Jupiter owns Saggitarius and Pisces which is the natural 9th and 12th house of the natural zodiac. The constellation of the Jupiter are Punvarsu,Vishaka and Purva Bhadrapada

Jupiter exalts in the sign of Cancer and the Moolatrikona house is Pisces and Saggitarius.

Aditi is the diety of Punarvasu.

The shakti associated with this star is Vasutva Prapana shakthi. The nakshara is connected to Rajas-Sattva-Rajas

The movement associated with this star is Chara and this denotes it is of movable nature hence it is addaptable and evolve quickly and constantly changes and recreate as per the enviroment.

Jupiter being the most benevolent planet hence the star Punarvasu is associated with DEVA gana..The creation associated with this star is Bramha..This star is of Passive nature and this denoes that people who are born in this star are most receptive in nature

Purushartha associated with this star is Artha which related to money

The body parts connected to star is Fingers and Nose.

The Tridosha associated with this planet is that of Vatha(Windy)and denotes movement and change.

The Varna associated with Punarvasu is Vaishya which is translated as rMerchant.

The element conected to this star is Apas(Water) and the direction of this star is that of Triyanga Mukha which is facing forward and straight.Purvasu represents FEMALE CAT AS A SYMBOL AND THE BIRD IS PEACOCK.

North is the direction of Punarvasu hence the image of peacock should be placed in the North directio of the house or shop or establishment

The sounds of this star are Kay,Kho,Haa,Hee and the plant for this star is BAMBOO. Hence people born in this star can have a bamboo stick in their house.

OM and AUM are the beeja mantras for this constellation.

The main body parts of this star are Ears,Throat,Lungs and shoulders

The ganesha for Punarvasu natives is LAKSHMI GANAPATI.

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