This technique is used when the native does not have any birth data and wanted to ask a question relating to his or her life. In this technique when the PRASNA is asked the chart is prepared and the chart is read as we read the normal chart when birth data is entered into the software
I have prepared a Prasna to check whether the problem I am facing will get resolved or not or whether there is any issue
The lagna rising is Gemini and the lord is Mercury in the 11th house of the Prasna chart which denotes that the problem will get resolved as 11th house is the fulfilment of desires
Mercury being the 4th lord denotes something related to house or property and when it is placed in the 8th house from itself denotes that there will delay but surely it will be done. The star in which the Mercury is placed should not retrograde and here it is in Kritika star and the lord is Sun and here we should note that Sun and Moon are never retrograde.
The Sun denotes government and yes the native is facing issues relating to Government activity which has to be resolved and this issue is there for the last 6 months.
Sun is placed in the 12th house and in Marana karaka bhava and the karaka for the 12th house is Saturn and it is in the 9th house of baghya and luck and with Moon. Saturn and Moon combination is not considered good as it is relating to depression of the mind. Ntive is worried about his future relating to the house matters.
Saturn denotes dirt and yes native is having issues with drainage system in his lane and water logging.
4th house is being aspected by two malefcs which are Rahu and Mars and ketu in the 4th house...There is an aspect of Jupiter denoting that the work will be done due to the grace of the Jupiter and here we should note that Jupiter whe aspects houses it will bring peace and harmony in this area of activity.
There is an ashtami dosha and the lord isRahu aspecting the 4th house of happiness...
As the activity is relating to self and 4th house we have to see these two houses and here as said earlier it is rising in Gemini which is natural 3rd house the hoiuse of courage and this lagna is placed in Punarvasu(return of the light) and Jupiter is the lord of Punarvasu being placed in the 12th house which is again not good as it is not his portfolio.
Let us see the Maha dasa, Bhukthi and the 3rd level lords and their placement
Now from 2022 Jupiter is activated as Maha dasa lord in the sign of Taurus and lording 7th and 10th house which are beneficial houses. Jupiter is in Kritika star whose lord is Sun and here we find that Sun and Jupiter are closed in the same sign..Jupiter being in the star of Sun denotes that it is being burnt hence issues with the oppsite person and the karma of the native. And note that Jupiter is in the fixed sign denoting that lot of activity has to be undertaken by the native to get the issue resoled
Jupiter is well placed in the sign Pisces in the Navamsa chakra and in the 10th house from the Gemini lagna rising. This is a blessing for the native as the lagna is Vargottama denoting blessing of the Visnu.
The antar dasa is that of Jupiter and as said earlier it is burnt by being placed in the nakshatra of the Sun.
The 3rd level of the time line is Rahu and this planet is placed in the 10th hoiuse which is not good as karma is hit but Rahu is in the star of Mercury which is lording lagna(self) and 4th hoiuse of happiness being placed in the 11th house.
